Sunday, December 9, 2007

To Glue or Not to Glue?

By Delmar Germyn I have tried it and not seen a huge difference in the end result. The concrete seemed to cure faster but that may have been the weather. It was during the summer and very hot out. I am sure that it was a little more waterproof and seemed to resist chipping a bit better. In hypertufa I give it a big YES! It will improve your results considerably. "Elmers" brand glue says on the label that you can use it in concrete and gives instructions. I think it said 300ml glue plus 150ml water per 10 lbs. of concrete mix. Don't take my word for it, look it up!! I have used it as a bonding agent when pouring new concrete on top of old. First wash the old with muratic acid, rinse then paint on the white glue. It seems to help. I have seen these joints taken apart with jackhammers a couple of years later and the bond looked excellent. This was in a very harsh west coast marine application, so I say it works well! I also think that it makes a difference when added to hypertufa. My theory is that it gives back some of the strength lost due to the organic matter (peat) in Tufa. I also have an idea that it helps waterproof it a little, and that is a big benefit in outdoor projects. I made a couple of "Giant Heads" about 3 feet high with 'Tufa. These where done over about a week, adding on every day. The 'Tufa had glue in it. I am certain it helped to bond it better during the sculpting process. When done they seemed a little harder on the surface and water ran off better than it did on projects where there was no glue added. I can tell you they survived one -35 degree winter, they disappeared after that so I cannot report any further. Generally I would say that white glue works at least as well as you have heard. If you heard it does not work, don't try it. I will continue to tell people to go ahead. It can't do any harm! Copyright 2005 Delmar Germyn All rights reserved. Author - Del Germyn Web site My web site is setup to help you and I learn more about molds and casting in general. YOU WILL FIND.... Articles on how to mix your concrete, hypertufa, etc for different uses. Free information on how to make your own molds. Tips and hints on their use and care. Free information on making and using various types of molds to cast concrete, plaster, cement,
ceramics, and molding with hypertufa. Suggestions for projects that you can do in a couple of hours that will make your yard / garden look great. All the information on the site is free to use and share. Click here to go to my site now. I am hoping that when you see what I have (or have not) set out you will send in your tips and stories. By sharing we can all learn from each other. We can also help newcomers to the hobby / business. The site will be constantly added to. Check back often. Article Source: prescription medications ultram check
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