Wednesday, December 12, 2007

How to Effectively Use Corny Pick Up Lines to Approach Women

By Scott Patterson For most guys, it's pretty hard to go up to an attractive woman and start a conversation. That is why many of them use corny pick up lines in attempt to start talking to them. But what usually happens is a woman will be instantly turned off when you try corny pick up lines. The reason is guys tend to say them in a sleazy manner. The good news is you can still use corny pick up lines is you follow a certain pattern. In fact, there are three very simple steps for using them that could help you initiate a conversation. Step 1 Your first step is to think of some corny pick up lines to us. If you are having trouble think of any, you can use the ones that I have listed below: "Pinch meI think I am dreaming of you right now" "Can I borrow a quarter? I promised my mom I would call her when I met the girl of my dreams" "Wow! I didn't know angels could fly this low" "You're kind of like a dictionary, because you add meaning to my life" "Can I take your picture, because I want to show Santa Claus want I want for Christmas" "Your lips look lonely, they should meet mine" "I am a love pirate and I am here for your bootyYaaagggghhhrrrr" "When I look at you, my teeth hurt because you are so sweet" "I was so enraptured with your beauty that I ran into a wall. So I will need your name and number, for insurance purposes" "If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put U and I together" Step 2 Your second step is to confidently approach her and give her a charming smile. This step is important because most of attraction and interest is built up when a girl first sees you. So it's critical to make sure that she sees you as being a confident male. Step 3 The final step involves actually saying one of your corny pick up lines. In this day and age, most people know that these lines are pretty cheesy and usually don't work. But you can be successful if you say a pick up line in a sarcastic manner that is making fun of yourself. By being a little cheesy while showing you have a sense humor about yourself, you'll be able to successfully initiate a conversation with a woman. While I normally don't recommend using corny pick up lines when you start talking to women, they can be useful in certain situations. So if you don't mind sounding a little cheesy and have no problem laughing at yourself, you might be able to pull them off. Having trouble approaching and attracting women? Well stop using corny pick lines take a look at Scott Patterson's FREE course on how to meet, approach and attract beautiful women. Read it today and start bringing home girls tomorrow. Article Source: buy phentermine online cod
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