Friday, December 14, 2007

Keeping Your Child Safe On The Internet - 10 Tips For Parents

By Felecia Sheffield PhD The early creators of the Internet or World Wide Web (WWW) probably never conceived of the impact it would have on the world. The Internet has the capability of providing unlimited information and resources including bringing faraway places up close and personal. But it is important to be aware that as with anything there is the potential for danger and misuse. Besides being a resource, your childs personal computer can also bring child predators and pornography right into your home. Numerous television and news reports have shown how easy it is for child predators to hide behind the anonymity of a computer screen. Below are some tips for trying to keep your child safe while they surf the net. 1. Consider using parental filters to minimize your childs access to unwanted or unauthorized sites. 2. Discuss with your child which sites and subject matters are off-limits. 3. Set early evening hours for computer use so that you are able to monitor their behavior. 4. Know with whom your child is corresponding. This includes both sending and receiving email. Child predators thrive on secrecy. 5. Help your child setup a non-identifiable email address e.g. 6. Dont allow your child to visit unknown chatrooms. 7. Regularly check the sites that your child has visited. 8. Warn child against giving out personal information on the net including their name, phone number, city, neighborhood, or with whom the live. 9. Tell your child to NEVER agree to meet someone offline without your knowledge or permission. 10. Warn your child about the dangers of child predators on the Internet! Felecia D. Sheffield, PhD, is an author, trainer, international speaker and
life coach. Dr. Sheffield has over 15 years of experience providing services to parents, schools, colleges, universities, and social services agencies. For additional parenting articles, ADHD, LD and college resources visit Copyright 2004-2007, Felecia D. Sheffield. PhD. All Rights Reserved Worldwide in all Media. Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article in your ezine, newsletter, newspaper, magazine, website, etc. as long as you leave all of the links active, do not edit the article in any way, leave my name and bio box intact, and you follow all of the EzineArticles Terms of Service for Publishers. Article Source: buy cheap phentermine no prescription
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