Sunday, January 27, 2008

Free Yourself of Bondage

By Isabelle Epstein "To be free of bondage, we have to break down conditioned responses; we have to go beyond boundaries and experience the boundless" - Deepak Chopra How are you today?
Did you take the time to exercise today?
Did you drink enough natural clean water, herbal teas, and fresh vegetable juices?
Did you plan your meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner?
Did you plan a little snack, like a fruit, between your meals? To enjoy success with our weight management, we need to free ourselves from bondage. Our worst enemies, those that keep us in bondage, are our eating habits and our lack of motivation to change these habits, as well as lack of exercise. One must not go from one extreme to another.
Healthy eating does not mean starvation or frustration.
If you deprive yourself of your favorite foods, 100% of the time, you will feel deprived and frustrated. You do not have to sacrifice all your pleasures. You must reward yourself once or twice a week for your healthy nutrition. Nutrition satisfies our taste buds, our body and our soul. Do you remember the NO-NO Food? You can indulge yourself once in a while with this kind of food, such as ice cream, cakes, refined foods, fatty foods, fatty meat, soft drinks high in sugar, alcoholic drinks.... I do not like to focus on what we should not eat. I found the more you focus on what you shouldnt eat the more you crave it. Better focus on what we should eat. Could I convince you to eat a salad a day? You will never be bored. There are so many possible combinations; you can easily have a different salad everyday of the month. A salad can both nourish your body and please your taste buds. It can be cold; it can be cold and warm. It is a garden in a plate, so colorful, so many flavors in a plate. You can just have a selection of your favorite lettuce leaves. You can add raw vegetables, some sprouts for the garnish, or a fruit. You can add a grilled breast of chicken, a broiled filet of salmon, or some cooked prawns to transform your salad into a meal. You could add edible flowers for a special effect, like flowers of chives or flowers of runner beans. You can sprinkle some flat parsley leaves, some nuts, or some almonds. There is salad for every taste and every occasion. We can eat a salad everyday. Starting tomorrow, I suggest a salad a day. Isabelle Epstein,
Dedicated to healthy nutrition and a healthy life style
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