By Patricia Little The overall topic of online dating had to try hard to gain acceptance with everyone from the respectable members of the community. It has had to work even harder to gain a small level of acceptance for anyone more sophisticated. Somehow it has always had to fight off an identity that was never intended. This is simply a more focussed way of meeting people but through the computer rather than wasting numerous evenings at dubious addresses spending money on clothes, hair and drinks to just get started. Most households own a computer these days and it has many more useful functions than the television or the phone. It has become a recognized and written about challenge for twelve year olds to meet people of similar interest in the current season. It must be assumed, incorrectly that the rest of us have a broad band of interesting contacts. The truth is there are often challenges in finding a willing head to share a conversation holding more meaning than the cost of the electricity bill. The issue of safety and security has become a necessary focus in recent years. More and more are inclined to stay indoors, try to develop a garden, maybe even put on weight with more time for cooking but all are missing out on essential quality interaction with people. Unique skills need to be developed and shared and it would be a shame not to share some of this with equally qualified or train those in need. An on-line dating service could provide a sharing of ideas with the possibility of extending the contact. Copyright 2006 Patricia Little Patricia Little is a writer, and publisher who, with husband Kenneth Little, has just released a life-changing eCourse -
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