Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Myths Surrounding Suicide

By []Paul Torney It seems hard to belive that the figure is actually so low when were are repeateadly told that suicide is the third or fourth highest cause of death in the western world and youth suicide accounts for up to thirty percent. IN fact there is a big charity industry that has grown up from the youth suicide "crisis" and this industry still pulls in its share of dollars. There are vested financial interests in keeping the figure high.
This is why the youth figures are rigged. It is done by including young adults up to 28 years of age as youth. No other research demographic does this. It's also done by comparing youth suicides with all other causes of death among the same age demographic. As youth is normally healthy the only other notable cause of death are road accidents or drug overdoses. Remember, when comparing percentages, that if one kid dies from a drug overdose, one from a road accient, and one from suicide then that figure is the same 33% as it is if one million kids die from the same causes. The biggest single cause of suicide is post divorce trauma among men and the biggest single demographic is actually mid aged men. It seems that the younger husbands know that they have much of their lives ahead of them and are better able to just dust off and move on. The mid aged man effectively loses EVERYTHING that makes his life. Home, kids, family the lot. And at too late an age to rebuild. He is virtually a street derilict. He's in the same state of grief as a parent who has lost a child to a car accident but with a savage twist. The loss of access to his kids, without the actual loss of their lives turns them into the walking dead in his eyes. No wonder there are so many suicides. This group is typically fifty to sixty percent of the toal number of suicides.
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