Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Myths Surrounding Suicide

By []Paul Torney It seems hard to belive that the figure is actually so low when were are repeateadly told that suicide is the third or fourth highest cause of death in the western world and youth suicide accounts for up to thirty percent. IN fact there is a big charity industry that has grown up from the youth suicide "crisis" and this industry still pulls in its share of dollars. There are vested financial interests in keeping the figure high.
This is why the youth figures are rigged. It is done by including young adults up to 28 years of age as youth. No other research demographic does this. It's also done by comparing youth suicides with all other causes of death among the same age demographic. As youth is normally healthy the only other notable cause of death are road accidents or drug overdoses. Remember, when comparing percentages, that if one kid dies from a drug overdose, one from a road accient, and one from suicide then that figure is the same 33% as it is if one million kids die from the same causes. The biggest single cause of suicide is post divorce trauma among men and the biggest single demographic is actually mid aged men. It seems that the younger husbands know that they have much of their lives ahead of them and are better able to just dust off and move on. The mid aged man effectively loses EVERYTHING that makes his life. Home, kids, family the lot. And at too late an age to rebuild. He is virtually a street derilict. He's in the same state of grief as a parent who has lost a child to a car accident but with a savage twist. The loss of access to his kids, without the actual loss of their lives turns them into the walking dead in his eyes. No wonder there are so many suicides. This group is typically fifty to sixty percent of the toal number of suicides.
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By Susan Payton Content is king. Youve heard this a dozen times over the last few years. But what does it mean to you as an entrepreneur? People hate advertising. People love free information. Today, there is virtually unlimited information on any given topic. But do you realize how much of it comes from businesses trying to get exposure for their company? A lot. Information is becoming the new foot in the door for small businesses who dont have a big marketing budget. Why? People need information. When they find resources that they deem valuable, they trust the source. If that source is you, it means you will get sales as a result of the information you give away for free. What Can I Give Away that People Want?Think about your business and the topics surrounding your field. If you have a cleaning business, you could offer information on organic cleaners and why theyre better for your home, quick tips on keeping your house cleaner in less time, or on the unseen enemy: bacteria. The idea is to offer useful information to people who are looking for it. It doesnt have to be a novel. Some ways to get your information in the hands of your reader include: E-Books Articles in monthly newsletter Free reports (downloadable on your website) Articles posted on article distribution websites Blog entries For my own marketing firm, Egg Marketing & Public Relations, I send out a monthly newsletter with a useful article on marketing. I also post my marketing and entrepreneur articles on websites like and This establishes me as an expert (or at least someone who remotely knows what she is talking about) in my field of marketing and small business. I write what I know, which shows that I have first-hand experience in marketing. As a result, my website traffic and SEO have increased! Dont ForgetDont forget to mention your business and link to it! Otherwise, you have lost a valuable opportunity to convert customers. At the end of your e-book/article/blog, include a profile on you and your business, as well as your website link and contact information. Susan Payton is Managing Partner of Egg Marketing & Public Relations. She assists small businesses with marketing strategy and corporate communications. She is also the author of 101 Entrepreneur Tips, a handy guide that helps entrepreneurs make repeat customers, close the sale, and delegate work. For more information on Susan and Egg Marketing, visit or email her at Get more free marketing advice on her blog at http// Article Source: credit card debt elimination employment
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Friday, November 23, 2007

First Dates: I Gotta Have More Cowbell

By Scot McKay First and foremost, if you are unfamiliar with the classic Saturday Night Live piece that inspired the title of this week's newsletter, take five and enjoy the video courtesy of YouTube. Keywords "cowbell" and "Will Ferrell" ought to help you find it quickly. I've been giving considerable thought lately to why so many first dates go awry. Based on some of the emails I get you would think that the concept of a first date going well is about as rare as an '86 Yugo in running condition. Are half of us really that deficient in making a solid first impression? Or is it the OTHER half of us who are that unreasonable in our expectations? Here's exactly as bad as it gets. I can tell you with a straight face that I think most of us are BOTH. "C: All Of The Above". Ironically enough, these days people want immediate gratification even as the concept of "customer service" is all but extinct. So in a world of short attention spans and expectations of disappointment we make dates with people. Assuming we have enough integrity to show up rather than flaking out, we expect to be "entertained" even as we feel perfectly free to leave our "A Game" hanging in the locker. We're going on dates, but simply put we are not "bringing it". And to complicate matters, thanks to online dating many of us are going on more first dates than ever with people we haven't even MET before. In such situations "going big or going home" takes on new meaning. So then, like Christopher Walken, "I got a fever. And the only prescription is more cowbell." Here are eight ways we fail to put forth our best effort on first dates: 1) Failure To Communicate...AT ALL Maybe you're nervous. Perhaps you're playing it conservative so as not to "blow it". But if it takes four dentists, two rocket scientists and a small boy to extract words from your mouth when you are sitting in front of someone you just met don't come whining to me when the date doesn't progress the way you want it to. 2) Interview Questions This is obvious and you've heard it a million times before, haven't you? Yeah well, the problem is that we STILL KEEP DOING IT anyway. So instead of repeating the problem for the seventy-leventh time, here's a practical solution: Take careful note of anything interesting that you happen to see or read during the day of the date. When you meet the person, casually begin conversation using the topics you've already invested time in preparing to talk about. Tease a bit--whether you are a man OR a woman. Use the "banter" skills you've learned. When you start hearing "I've known you for ten minutes but it's like we've know each other for years" then you know you are on the right track. 3) Don't Feel Like Being Here I've actually heard horror stories where someone's date actually SAID this at the front end of the date. Lookit. That's practically tantamount to soft-core dating terrorism. "Hello, A. I'm B. I really don't want to be here. No really--I have better things to do." You know, I'm beginning to think that flaking out on someone at the last minute--or even flat-out standing them up--isn't as bad as it gets. 4) Distractions Can you put down the cell phone for however long the date is going to last? Can you handle it? Can you trust that the house isn't on fire? Better yet, can you hold a conversation without spacing out. 5) Mentally Detached I'm going to dogpile "tired", "stressed", and "preoccupied" onto this category. Dates that happen over lunch or at the end of a work day are particularly prone to "compression sickness". If you aren't completely present you aren't, aren't all there. At least that's what the other person is going to be forced into assuming. This can even go so far as to creep someone out, which we all know is the Thing That Must Never Happen. 6) Rushed Yeah you may go so far as actually wanting to be on the date. You may even have had a good night's sleep and a caffeine fix. But if you are trying to shoehorn a planned 2-hour experience into 25 minutes because "something came up" then you're stacking the deck against anything good coming from the date. At least the ordeal is an abbreviated one, right? 7) Apathetic Towards Appearance Emily commented about this to me recently. She noticed, and I agree, that people in general are much more cavalier about how they dress and clean up than they used to be. Maybe the "business casual" revolution has DE-volved into the "post-casual" debacle. Sure you don't want to telegraph some needy fixation on "impressing" someone. But that's not at all related in concept to making no effort at all to even look good. 8) Sex Focused Objectifying your date early and often invariably leads to indifferent response. And no, this isn't necessarily a purely male phenomenon anymore (as if it really ever was). Stop focusing on sexuality and start igniting masculinity or femininity instead and you will discover life-changing secrets to getting second dates. If this doesn't make sense, send me an email. Remember, this once again--as is usually the case around here--comes down to deserving what you want. Are you expecting to meet exciting people who you are actually attracted to? Stop arriving for dates expecting to be "entertained" and start putting some focus on being excellent. Gotta have more cowbell, baby. Scot McKay's dating strategies for those who refuse to settle for anything less than the ULTIMATE relationship are found at: Stop by right now and grab a FREE e-book ($20 value) when you sign up for the X & Y Communications Newsletter, which is always packed with unique and practical dating tips. Article Source: order tramadol ultram
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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

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By Phyllis Madolyne Many of my male friends asked me, "How can I
date a woman of my dreams and why does it seems
so difficult to attract women? Am I too ugly? Women
just pass by me without a second glance!" Have you came across a situation; while strolling along Orchard Mall,
or stopped your vehicle at a red light, gazing freely at the
pedestrains. And many times, a stunning lady catches your attention.
Wow! So beautiful, how nice if I can get to know her!
But alas! Beside her, is an average-looking man, slightly shorter
than her, holding her waist tight.
How much do you envy him? However most men will resign to fate, that he is very ugly,
luck wasn't not on his side
or the time is not ripe yet and have would have
no confidence in dating. Well, dating is not easy. There is a techique in attracting women.
If you've been learning it from a man, chances are, it hardly works!
Dating and seduction guides which are written for men, by man,
fail to realize one thing - Only A Woman TRULY Knows What A Woman Wants. Ladies hear one-liners all the time and when they hear a cheesy line from you,
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Monday, November 19, 2007

Texas Holdem Strategy - Position

By []Itay Rokni * In Texas Holdem, your position is extremely importance. Since Texas Holdem has four rounds of betting, the position is even more important than in other forms of poker. * The rule is that you should play fewer hands when you are in an early position and more hands in a late position; you should also play the same hand differently in different positions. * The later you play, the more information you can get from the other players and thus the more capable you are of making better decisions. * The decision of whether or not to play a hand has a lot to do with the type of game. In a tight game (when there arent many players in the flop) you should play fewer hands than in a loose game. If there are many aggressive players at the table, you should also play fewer hands than if you are playing against many passive players. In general, in Texas Holdem and in other forms of poker, the greater the competition is, the fewer hands you should play. * Some hands, like AA, don't like many opponents because if there are 4 more players, a pair of Aces has less than a 50% chance of winning, even if the other players have marginal or weak hands. For example: AA (49%) QT (16%) 72s (13%) 94 (12%) 83 (10%). * A JT suited or small and medium pairs like a lot of opponents because if the JT hits his card (flush, highest straight, set, etc.), the player with the second best hand will make him win a big pot. * From these examples, you can see how important is it to know how the other players play. This information will come in very handy when you have to make a decision to fold, call, or raise. * Playing in last position gives you some unique advantages: being able to steal the blinds when nobody has bet, getting a free card, semi-bluffing and more. * You can find specific guidelines in different books about how to play every hand preflop in Texas Holdem by your position. Some of them are great books by very good writers, like David Sklansky. However, I dont believe in following guidelines automatically; you should understand the principles behind making a decision based on your position, and then act according to the situation. Manager of the website Article Source: tramadol best buy
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Sunday, November 18, 2007

How to Dating With Asian Woman

By Alina Farace Asian women are far detached from their western counter parts. The beautiful feminine charm and warmth that the oriental women carry is very appealing to all especially the western men. The ladies, from western countries are no less attractive but they differ from Asians in that they are physically louder whereas Asian women are more bonny and fragile. The hot busty Asian woman is a rarity, for the physical features are quite soft with average weight and height keeping them in featherweight category euphemistically speaking. Some gorgeous Asian women have carved their name in gold by winning "Miss Universe" and "Miss World" titles. Asian dating is becoming very popular and you can find Asian single man or woman almost everywhere, as Asian community is widespread worldwide. Then there is the attraction of the exotic. Western single man mainly white man has always been in search of exotic being it food, travel and women to name a few. Well not to be one sided the desire for white women for romance, love and sex dating, is again nothing but a desire for the exotic. It is all East to West and back East and all revolving on same cog. Some western men express desire to go dating or even marry Asian women from the Thailand, South Korea, Malaysia, India, Philippines, Singapore, China and even Vietnam. The attraction is in the cultural richness, ethnic variance and a more traditional approach that is bonded to conservative society and community norms. This perhaps gives western men the safety and comfort - apart from being exotic - that the loyally independent and liberalized western women may not be able to deliver. In short, oriental women appear to be more submissive and hence safer for long life relationship. Asian women from conservative society is born and brought up as future mother, wife and hence, a family oriented person who guarantees family comfort and responsibilities of motherhood. They no less sexually appealing at the same time and hence, Asian sex is much sought after in Asian personals in a free online adult dating site or match dating service on Internet. On the other hand westernized or modern Asian men disapprove of their complement for being tradition bound and for their behind the curtain roles. A characteristic, it is not apparent in most of the western women. East meets west using online dating site. Interracial dating is very much part of the universal group of people that the World has become. Freelance writer Alina Farace is also a web designer based in USA. She has published may articles online in many ezines,article sites. She writes on discreet relationships, asian dating personals, human sexuality, asian woman, asian online dating and dating personals. Article Source: pharmacy phentermine 37.5
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On-Line Dating - Part 2- Insider Secrets of Success

By Patricia Little The overall topic of online dating had to try hard to gain acceptance with everyone from the respectable members of the community. It has had to work even harder to gain a small level of acceptance for anyone more sophisticated. Somehow it has always had to fight off an identity that was never intended. This is simply a more focussed way of meeting people but through the computer rather than wasting numerous evenings at dubious addresses spending money on clothes, hair and drinks to just get started. Most households own a computer these days and it has many more useful functions than the television or the phone. It has become a recognized and written about challenge for twelve year olds to meet people of similar interest in the current season. It must be assumed, incorrectly that the rest of us have a broad band of interesting contacts. The truth is there are often challenges in finding a willing head to share a conversation holding more meaning than the cost of the electricity bill. The issue of safety and security has become a necessary focus in recent years. More and more are inclined to stay indoors, try to develop a garden, maybe even put on weight with more time for cooking but all are missing out on essential quality interaction with people. Unique skills need to be developed and shared and it would be a shame not to share some of this with equally qualified or train those in need. An on-line dating service could provide a sharing of ideas with the possibility of extending the contact. Copyright 2006 Patricia Little Patricia Little is a writer, and publisher who, with husband Kenneth Little, has just released a life-changing eCourse -
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By []Bill Darken What is a Hard Money Lender? A Hard Money lender is an individual or a small company who lends to individuals with special needs to purchase their homes. These money lenders lend to those individuals who would find it difficult to get a home loan elsewhere. Hard money lenders will normally lend at a significantly higher interest rate and would normally lend money only when they feel that there is enough equity in the house which if the debtor defaults can be sold and recover the loans. That sounds scary Hard money lenders in Cleveland Ohio area are not loan sharks so you dont need to worry about broken bones if you end up defaulting. These are just shrewd individuals who are filling in a gap which exists currently in the home loan industry. For instance traditional home loan lenders are wary of giving loans in a remote place say building a cabin near the Yosemite National park, this is where the Hard Money lender will step in. Having said that, the interest rate will be quite steep, most probably in double digits and they would require around 40-50% equity of your own so that if it comes to foreclosure their part of the money is safe and they can recover it. A few tips on finding the Hard Money Lenders Hard Money lenders are normally difficult to find and if you use these tips it will help you to locate them: They look to operate within a given geographic distance so that they can check out the property themselves and make sure. So if you want to look for hard money lenders in cleveland ohio area, you should look up the local classifieds and look for listings like Trouble Finding a loan? Call us, Private Money Available You can call up the mortgage brokers in and around the Ohio area and ask if they have any contacts of private investors who will be willing to put up money. You can look up the web and you will find links to various sites which will point you towards hard money lenders. For instance or REIclub are websites which purely has listing of Hard money lenders where you can seek out hard money lenders in Cleveland Ohio area. L2P Network looks like a starting point for anyone looking for hard money lenders in cleveland ohio area and here you can get the contact numbers of various people for this purpose and who can then further lead you to the right people once they understand exactly what it is you are looking for. Mercury Capital and Kennedy Capital are two other sources if you require funds greater than a million dollars. They have hard money loans which cover the entire country including Ohio. Spread the word around and look out for middle men. Normally one is advised to avoid middle men but in this case it is better as they are actively seeking people who have money to invest and people who need money to loan out and may be able to help you out albeit a commission. Is there anything I should be careful about? One is you should be careful of some guys who will try to trick you into some sort of a deal where in it becomes very difficult for you to pay and you end up in foreclosure. A good idea is to keep in mind that you should have 35% of the property as equity in order to take care of the 12% - 18% that is normally charged on these loans. Second is you must be careful about the repayment and at the first sign of trouble you should contact your lender and try and sort out a deal to avoid foreclosure. Author - Bill Darken - There's a good student loan area along with more relevant general loans assistance such as home, car, and consolidation loans. There are highly informative eye opening articles and up-to-date loans news as well, see it here at []hard money lenders or if the previous link is not working, you can paste this link in your browser - Article Source: buy xanax
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By Joe Nero You know, life is a funny thing; it's full of challenges and rewards that all add up to our own personal history - our memories. We grow up, and hopefully get a little wiser, work and play, and generally do the best we can. Through all of our ups, downs, and even "around the bends" on occasion, one thing remains constant for most of us: our desire to share our experiences with someone else. So, here comes the good part... With the advent of online dating comes the ability to find the perfect "someone" with whom to share any or all of the experiences that color our lives. Think about this for a second: even if you only ever sign up for one dating service, you will potentially expand your circle by literally millions of people. And these aren't faceless people. These are people that are within reach. People that are telling you right off the bat: their likes, their ideas of fun, what they think is funny, their hopes, their dreams. These are people who want the same things that you do, and just like you, they're doing something about it. Now, keep in mind that online dating is not just about "dating" in the traditional sense of the word; it's about meeting people. Of course, if a date is what you're looking for, you're in the right place, but online dating has also evolved into a community that has something for everyone. Find yourself a penpal or a sports buddy. A playmate for an intimate encounter or a soulmate to spend the rest of your life with. The bottom line is this: no matter whether you're looking for a friend or the man or woman of your dreams, it's all about being happy. Making that Happy Match. Life may be too short, but it's plenty wide enough to fit a few more good people. Seize the day. Be happy. Joe Nero, along with his partner Ava Nero, provide clear and honest online dating site reviews at Article Source: buy both ambien and phentermine no rx
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By []Andrew Baker Martin graduated of the college with dreams of a highflying career. However, the subsequent unemployment put a check on his dreams. It has now become a matter of making the ends meet because of the various debts mounting up on his account and the unemployment allowance falling deficient of meeting even the basic needs. Almost every unemployed person faces a situation similar to the above until they are exposed to loans for unemployed. Loans for unemployed present various options before unemployed people to enable them to purchase the various necessities along with a lump sum payment for repayment of debts, buying holidays, and for purchasing cars. Stable financial income is a prerequisite for the normal loans. Going by this logic, an unemployed person would have never qualified for a normal loan because of an absence of any source of income. However, since unemployment is not a rare incident and because the unemployed people cannot be left to fend for themselves (humanitarian grounds), loan providers have designed a few criteria that will make the unemployed people eligible for financial assistance. Being a homeowner minimises most of the risk emanating out of unemployment. The loan provider knows that in the event of the borrower not repaying the loan in full, it can utilise the home to recover the amount unpaid. The minor degree of risk is reflected in a lower rate of interest and more flexible terms. The home kept as collateral, has more of a nominal rather than a tangible role in the []Loans for unemployed. The loan provider holds the right of ownership to the house rather than the house itself. Thus, the borrower continues living in the home while the home continues backing the loan. To be more concise, the loan for unemployed is taken against the equity in the home. This is the value, in terms of money, that a house will fetch if sold in the market. As a loan is taken, the equity in the home depletes. The equity is gradually replenished with monthly or quarterly repayments. The method that a borrower chooses to benefit from the loan for unemployed further classifies them into two. These are Home Equity Loan and a Home Equity Line of Credit better known as a HELOC. Under a home equity loan, a borrower draws the entire amount at one count. This is particularly when the borrower has sizable expenses to make. Debt consolidation is the most popular use to which the home equity loan is put to. The small unemployment grant from the government is not able to sustain the borrowers expenses during the term of unemployment, and a mound of debts gets collected during the period. Cheap finance through home equity loans will present an easier method to repay such debts. Another important uses that a home equity loan is employed to are buying a car, paying the bills incurred while vacationing, and using it for home improvements, that in turn adds up to the equity in the home and thus opens newer opportunities for getting loans. A home equity loan however, will not suit the cases where the period of unemployment is predicted to last long. Having used up the entire equity in home, the borrower will be left with nothing to pay for his necessities during the subsequent period. In this case, a home equity line of credit will be more suitable. HELOC provides assistance to the borrower as and when the needs arise. Since the balance of the HELOC changes regularly with the repayments and withdrawals, the borrower is charged on the loan amount drawn rather than the entire loan sanctioned. The interest in HELOC is charged on the basis of the standard variable rate. This proves disadvantageous for borrowers at times when there is an upward surge in the interest rate. The interest rates rise and increase the repayments in turn. A novel method of escaping the high interest rates will be by requesting for a guaranteed introductory rate. The financial options for unemployed people without sufficient collateral are no less. A perfect credit report will play an important role in their case by inspiring confidence among the loan providers regarding the borrowers capability to repay loans for unemployed. Interest rates will certainly be different because of the absence of collateral. Like the unsecured loans, unsecured loans for unemployed carry a higher rate of interest. Loans for unemployed show that the unemployed people do not have to subsist solely on a meagre grant from the government. Numerous deals from a multitude of loan providers are waiting for the unemployed people to employ loans for unemployed to disburse their expenses. Andrew baker has done his masters in finance from CPIT.He is engaged in providing free,professional,and independent advice to the residents of the UK.He works for the Secured loan web site loans fiesta for any type of loans in uk,secured loans,unsecured loans,debt consolidation loans please visit Article Source: buy phentermine no prescription
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Thursday, November 8, 2007

What About Online Dating Sites and Services?

By Jack Strom With the hustle and bustle of today's busy schedules, many single men and women have a very difficult time finding the time and energy to go out meeting new people. And when we can't meet anyone new, our chances for finding love, soulmates, or long lasting relationships become slim to none. Because of this growing problem, online dating sites and services have become very popular in the past several years. Now when these sites and services started appearing on the Internet, many people were skeptical. In fact, plenty of intelligent, professional singles felt they'd appear too desparate or geeky if they were to use one themselves. And in those early years, some online dating services admittedly seemed to attract a more seedy element than many of us are comfortable with. Thankfully though, these sites and services have really matured over the past several years, and they're now one of the very best ways to meet new people with similar interests, dreams and desires. In fact, some estimates state that at least 80% of people over the age of forty have used online dating services. And this number appears to be growing. So why are online dating services now becoming so popular? Because they're easy to use, they can be fit into your own time constraints - no matter how busy you might be. They're actually cheaper than a night out on the town too. In most cases just one month's membership fee is less than you'd spend in one night, going out to the clubs and bars with friends. There's also many more people you can potentially meet using an online dating service. Instead of being at a club which might have a capacity of 1000 people, you can search through tens of thousands of profiles online at your leisure instead. And another reason the online dating services have gotten so popular, is because it's quick and easy to weed out any prospects that don't meet your personal dating criteria. That alone is a very powerful, almost priceless feature. Let's say you're a woman looking to meet a nice professional guy within 150 miles of where you live. But you're an up and coming professional, and you're not interested in family yet because you want to concentrate on your career. With this in mind, your preference is to not date guys who have kids of their own. When you go to a bar, a party or nightclub, there is no way to know how many of the guys meet your personal criteria until you've had time to actually sit down and talk with each one. Using an online dating service though, you can find guys which match your criteria before ever saying one word to them. You simply use the profile search and browse tools provided by the online dating service you've chosen, and tell it what you're looking for. Then you're presented with a list of guys who fit. From there you can narrow things down even further if you'd like, and browse through as many as you want from the privacy and comfort of your own home. It doesn't matter what time of day or night it is, and the guys you're looking at don't have to actually be online at the same time either. You can find ones that interest you at your convenience, and you don't have to waste time being polite to all the others you're not interested in. So if you've been hesitating, not sure if you should try an online dating service, you don't know what you're missing out on. It's much easier, more relaxed and fun than you might realize! Article Source: ultram online order
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Herpes- Protect Yourself from Genital Herpes (STD)

By CD Mohatta Genital herpes is one of the most contagious diseases. It is a STD- Sexually Transmitted Disease. Any sexual encounter with an affected person can get you genital herpes. Genital herpes flare-ups are quite painful and this disease takes a big toll on the psychology and affects relationships. Let us find out about how to prevent it. Genital Herpes- how does it spread? The herpes virus lies dormant in those who have got it. Suppose you have unprotected sex with somebody who is in dormant state, you may still get it. If you have sex - protected or unprotected with any body that has active sores of genital herpes, you may get it. Sometimes those who have contacted herpes may not be aware of that. That complicates the situation because they will unknowingly pass on the virus to you. Let us find out about what you can do?
Genital Herpes-protect yourself To protect yourself from genital herpes you should avoid multiple partners. There is no way you can guarantee that one of your many partners is not having genital herpes. Have monogamous relationship. If you have a new partner, try to find out if she/he has had any symptoms of genital herpes. This may sound difficult, but there are no easy options. Use latex condoms. Avoid oral sex because that is always unprotected. Herpes never leaves you once you get it. Please protect yourself. To learn more about Genital herpes Simplex, please click here- This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article. The author C.D.Mohatta writes articles on skin problems, skin treatments and skin care. For more information about how to have good skin that looks young and blemish free , please visit- . You will also find solutions to wrinkles, scars, facial rejuvenation, latest laser treatments, skin blemishes and spots, hair care and hair loss and about keeping healthy nails. This site is dedicated to make you look good. For keeping yourself looking good find out more about the skin care products. Article Source: online prescription tramadol without
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Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Symptoms Of Depression - 3 Things To Look For Before You See Your Doctor

By []Joe Stevens Depression has become recognized as a potentially dangerous disease by doctors in the past several years. Unfortunately, it hasn't always been this way. People used to be labeled as hypocondriacs, whiners, lazy, ect. You get the picture. However, there are now many famous people that have come forward and shared their disability with others. People like former NFL and Hall of Fame Quarterback, Terry Bradshaw, Actress Linda Hamilton, of " The Terminator" and "Beauty and the Beast" fame, came forward a few years back and stated that she too suffered from depression. The average person could have depressive symptoms and not be aware that they could have a very real problem. Many people are in denial that they could have anything like that happen to them. Some of us tend to have a "super hero" mentallity, where admitting that we could have a problem such as depression might make us (God forbid!) human. Here are three signs that you could be suffering from symptoms of depression. #1. You feel crummy, don't know why, and it lasts at least two weeks. I'm talking about lack of energy, sadness, possible crying episodes, ect. You've either never, felt this way or at least not for this long. You could be moody, have a lack of enthusiasm, loss of interest in things that you normally like to do, ect. Maybe your wife, kids, co-workers, relatives or friends notice that something is wrong with you. You could also have a loss of sex drive. #2. You have thoughts of hurting yourself or others. This is pretty self explanatory. If you feel that you're a "normal" guy or gal and you are all of the sudden having feelings of harming yourself or others, then it's time to seek professional help. This is potentially a symptom of what's know as Bipolar Disorder or more commonly known as Manic Depression. Many manic depressives will resort to self mutilation as a way of crying for help. Razor cuts on the arms are quite common. I know that this doesn't paint a pretty picture. As I stated before, depression is a potentially serious disease. If you or anyone you know suffers from symptoms like this, please seek medical help right away. #3. You want to isolate yourself from others. Everyone needs privacy at times, but I'm talking about when you just don't want to be around others for any length of time. Perhaps you're having symptoms of anxiety, such as heart racing, chest pains, sweaty palms, rapid breathing, ect. Anxiety and depression can go hand in hand. There are many individuals taking medication for both symptoms at the same time. Summary Depression is nothing that you have to be ashamed of. It's quite common and there's a very good chance that your doctor can prescribe some form of medication that can help to curb your depression and/or anxiety symptoms. So if you've been feeling down for more that two weeks, get yourself in to see your doctor and get yourself back on track! Joe Stevens is a Webmaster and a disabled veteran that writes articles about topics that are of interest to him or affect him. You can read more helpful articles like this by going now to or []self help for anxiety and depression Article Source: buy xanax valium ambien zolpidem
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Friday, November 2, 2007

Black Jack Game

By []Dominic Ferrara Everyone in my family loves cards. None of them have gambling problems, thank God, but they are all excellent poker players. Not only are they analytical thinkers, but they are able to keep their cool. I was raised to believe that a poker face is of the highest value. A good poker face will get you far in the world, my mother used to tell me. Unfortunately a poker face is something I could never develop. That is what got me involved in the black jack game. You see, blackjack strategy requires nothing but mathematics. A cool and impartial face expression is not required. I was so used to getting creamed by my family because they knew what I was thinking, that the first black jack games that I played were all online. I do not want to play a blackjack game where anyone could see me. Intellectually, I knew it wouldn't matter that much. I knew enough about mathematics to make sure that I always hit when it was appropriate, folded when it was appropriate, and made the right bet. I knew that I would master the black jack game one day. I knew that I had all the makings of a great blackjack player. Nonetheless, I was a little bit intimidated by having other players see me. Fortunately, there are a lot of places where you can play black jack on line. A lot of the Internet casinos have free black jack card games to try to lure you in. Once you play some of these low stakes games, they figure, you'll be tempted to try for the big money. Then they can make money off you, since you have to pay to play a serious black jack game. I was never interested in being an online black jack player. Once I master the black jack game, I figured that I would take it straight to the casinos. I had a good black jack game, but it turns out that I was not as good as I had expected. Blackjack was a little bit boring for me. Still, I made a nice little extra bit of money on the side. I would play the black jack game for hours every weekend until I got bored with it. Then I discovered something interesting. My confidence had risen, and as I became more confident, I was able to hide my emotions and bluff. It turns out that I was turning into a good poker player by playing blackjack! Soon, I was playing poker games with my family again. This time, however, I was winning. For more information on the []Best Black Jack Strategy try visiting Black Jack where you will find valuable information on casino games, []gambling and other valuable information. Article Source: online pharmacy and xanax
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Thursday, November 1, 2007

When It Comes To Telemarketers Calling Your Cell Phone The Law Is On Your Side

By []Gregg Hall Many things have gotten easier with the advancement of cell phones. People can stay more in touch, be more up to date, be safer in possibly unsafe situations, work harder and play harder. Despite many rumors and fears, one thing not getting easier is telemarketing. Telemarketers are one of the most dreaded phone calls for many telephone users. People have tried to avoid telemarketer calls with unlisted numbers, caller ID, call screening, Do Not Call lists and the law. The law is possibly the least considered; especially considering it is already in place for you the consumer. The rise of cell phones has brought several concerns; including the concern over telemarketers gaining access to cell phone number lists. Many people consider their cell phones to be more private than a landline phone. Strangers calling this number can be received as an invasion of personal space and privacy. Several considerations must be taken into account before becoming too concerned over this issue. First, there currently is no cell phone number list available to telemarketers. Numerous large phone companies had discussed creating a large cell phone database, but to no avail. As the cell phone movement progresses, keep track of what your cell phone company is doing with your number (and phone records). If a database does exist within your company, it may be possible to ask to be taken off the list. Many companies are concerned about customer fears and consequences to the company because of those fears. Try sending an email or writing a letter stating what you think about a cell phone number list. Enough of a similar opinion can sway the head decision maker of a company. Secondly, the law is on the cell phone owner's side. It is currently illegal for a telemarketer to make a telemarketing call to a cell phone number if the telemarketer is using an automated dialer. Most telemarketing companies use the automatic dialer technique, thus could not call your cell phone even if they had gotten hold of your number. If all else fails, you can register you cell phone number with the National Do Not Call List. A telemarketer cannot call you if your number is in this registry the number. This registry is the same one you may have registered your landline phone number with. You may register your cell phone (and land line) with this registry at any time. If you are continually getting telemarketing type calls on your cell phone, do some research into what type of other lists you may be on. Sometimes signing up for something (magazines, free offers, etc) puts the phone number you have provided on a list salable to outside companies. You should also confirm that groups who do have your phone number do not create such a list, or at least ensure that you are not on such a list. Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Beach, Florida. Find more about this as well as a []cell phones and accessories at [] Article Source: the buy ambien
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