Sunday, March 16, 2008

Top Advisor Says: Successful Coaching Must Be Highly Structured

By Dr. Gary S. Goodman One of the coolest things about being in business for yourself is that you can experiment. If you dont like traditional selling, for instance because theres too much pressure in it, you can try a softer, more low-key approach and compare how you do, both ways. You might discover that there are reasons we have to deliberately use old fashioned devices such as closes, because most prospects simply wont close themselves. A successful regional manager of an insurance company said: Many folks need to be led. You may not like this idea, and even be offended by it, feeling it ushers in images of authoritarianism, but using formal closes gives finality to conversations, bringing them to productive conclusions. Again, choose your own path, but measure your results. I did something not too long ago when I entered business coaching after having been a successful consultant for several years. Purposely, I structured the amount of time Id spend with clients, but I let our agendas for each session be somewhat improvised. Believing that the coaching model enables an advisor to address the most pressing needs at a given time, I thought it would be unduly restrictive to plan numerous weeks and even months in advance. As a consultant, this is exactly what I did. At the beginning of each relationship the client knew where Id be, what Id be doing, the time units required, and the out of pocket for my assistance. So, what happened after I took a more hang loose approach because I was coaching? It backfired. In essence, because there was less formality there was less credibility in the process, and coaching clients didn't imbue our work together with as much value as had my consulting clients. Clients do like to be led, and structure is soothing, it reinforces their original decision to buy, and it arouses the important perception that real, and substantial progress is being made. How can someone feel youre on track if you havent meticulously laid the track out in advance? So, to appear credible, to promote client satisfaction, and to develop and deliver profitable programs, make sure to plan your work and then to work your plan! Dr. Gary S. Goodman is the best-selling author of 12 books, over 600 articles, and the creator of numerous audio and video training programs, including "The Law of Large Numbers: How To Make Success Inevitable," published by Nightingale-Conant-a favorite among salespeople and entrepreneurs. For information about booking Gary to speak at your next sales, customer service or management meeting, conference or convention, please address your inquiry to: Article Source: side effects of ambien drug
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