Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Lost Tribes Of Israel

By Matti Simonaho The Christianites (Gothic Christianity) and The Christianized people are different type of people. Christianized people of today belong in origin to one of the Original Seven Churches. The Christianites, The Goths, are those who killed, raped, burnt, stole, told lies about ( witches, pagans, of wrong faith, of wrong color etc) etc of the People of the Seven Original Churches. The Christianites - Goths - were at some point of history banned and cursed by The Kingdom of Heaven. None of the Tribes of Israel is lost - they are lost only because you are lost believing rather than knowing. By Time, the National Identity decrease and the Spiritual Identity increase. The Israel -name is only a reference for the Origin of The Seven Original Churches. The Kingdom of Heaven don't judge people by national identity, or color, or what faith they are in, or if they believe or not, or if they have read The Bible or not, or if they know Jesus or not. The only thing people are judged by, is the quality of Soul. Christianity is based on stolen symbols, copies of scriptures etc. in origin belonging to their Enemies: The People of The Seven Original Churches, of which The First (Efeson), is The Church of The Last (youngest): Isa (Jesus). ISA (Jesus) is The Head of The Church but not any church - He's The Head of His Church. Many of the Apostles today described as Christian apostles are in origin not Christian Apostles. Like many symbols and writings, the Apostles identity was "confiscated" by Christianites making people to believe Christianity and the Christianites are one of the Original Seven Churches. Modern Christians have nothing to do with Christianity; Their ancestors were Christianized at some point of history and during several generations, the knowledge was lost because of bad, Mind-Only based teaching people must accept - otherwise they were killed. The identity of The Church of ISA (Efeson : Jesus) was taken over by The Goat (Christianity) and people were forced by violence to accept the Mind-Only basis teachings of The Goat: Christianized people - The Lost Tribes. SOME FACTS:
1. ISA (Jesus) is not a believer.
2. ISA (Jesus) don't believe - He know.
3. ISA (Jesus is not a Christian : He's Head of His Own Church.
4. ISA (Jesus) is not follower of Martin Luther, or any Christianite teachings.
5. In The Bible, The are Words of The Creator. After 1700 years of teaching, why do we only know what's written in The Bible, but not the Original Words of The Creator?
6. ISA (Jesus), using Christianites own terms by history is: A Pagan, Of Wrong Faith, A Witch, An Atheist. Then you must ask yourself: " Who am I following? Who is The False Prophet misleading people?". According to ISA (Jesus), you cannot be Christian and A Follower of ISA (Jesus). According to history, no-one have learnt anything the past 1700 years - except for paying for praying. Everything Christianity is based on are stolen from the ancestors of the people who today believe rather than know. All churches are built on from our ancestors stolen land. Christianized people follow blindly a faith invented after ISA (Jesus) and The Seven Original Churches - a faith that killed their ancestors. Christianized people are follwing a fake. READ FULL ARTICLE AT
http://www.suomalaiset.org/cgi-bin/kieligenetiikka/english/sivu.pl?nayta=kielia&linkit=lingualgeneticslinkit Matti E Simonaho
info@suomalaiset.org Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matti_Simonaho http://EzineArticles.com/?The-Lost-Tribes-Of-Israel&id=368899 ambien hives
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