By Michael Paetzold Diners have become more health-conscious the last few years, and now want healthy choices whether eating at home or at their favorite restaurants. Luckily, the restaurant industry has been quick to accommodate the demand, so you'll find you have many options to "eat healthy" these days. Whether you're eating at home or dining out, the same rules for watching your weight apply. You need to eat more vegetables, fruit and whole grains. Choose smaller portions of lean meats, fish and poultry. Eat a variety of foods, and fresh, raw foods are better. Cut back on salt, sugar, saturated fats and alcohol. Drink plenty of water, and include exercise every day as part of your daily lifestyle choice. So whether you're having lunch with the gang, or enjoying a romantic dinner for two, you can enjoy delicious-tasting foods that are low-in calories and good for you, with just a little forethought and planning. Here are some easy tips to remember when ordering out that will help you to lose weight even when eating at your favorite restaurants: 1. If you know the menu from the restaurant you're going to, plan what you're going to have ahead of time. This will help save you from making a last minute decision that could result in high-calorie choices. 2. Drink at least one full-glass of water or iced tea before eating your meal. This helps your digestive process, and, because you'll feel full sooner, you will eat less. 3. Don't be afraid to ask for the "senior citizen" special or kid's-sized portions. Most restaurants will accommodate you -- and often you'll pay less as well! 4. Order first. That way you're much less likely to be influenced by the choices of your companions. 5. If you're not sure how something is prepared, don't be afraid to ask. And if the dish is cooked in oil or butter, you can always ask if they have a "fat free" option. 6. If everything on the menu is high in fat or calories, ask if the chef could prepare a plate of fresh fruit and vegetables. Many restaurants offer a vegetarian selection, so if you don't see it on the menu, ask. 7. When ordering meat or fish, ask that it be grilled or broiled, and prepared without oil or butter. (When you eat it, use lemon or herbs and spices to give it flavor rather than heavy sauces). 8. Order an appetizer and a salad as your meal. Or a soup and salad. For dessert, choose fresh fruit. 9. When choosing soup, remember that cream-based soups have many more calories than broth-based ones. 10. If you're having a full meal, split the appetizer and desert with your companion. 11. If you decide to order pasta, tomato sauce has fewer calories than cream-based sauces, just like soup. 12. Choose breadsticks over bread, or if you eat bread, don't add butter. Stay away from muffins and croissants, and choose whole grain over white. 13. Choose steamed vegetables instead of baked potatoes or other starches. Again, use lemon and herbs and spices rather than butter to flavor them with. 14. Whenever possible, eat like the Europeans do, and have your biggest meal at lunchtime. Not only will you save money, but you'll cut down on calories at the same time! 15. Take the time to enjoy your meal. Savor the flavors and textures of your food, and enjoy the company you're with. When you eat slowly, you give your body's internal clock the time it needs to know when you've had enough. When you're full, stop eating. Ask your server to remove your plate so you're not tempted to keep eating while you wait for your companion to finish. 16. Ask for salsa on your baked potatoes, rather than sour cream and butter. Not only is salsa much lower in calories, but it adds a "spicy" flavor to potatoes. 17. Order salad dressings and sauces "on the side." This gives you more control of how much to use. Another tip for salad dressing -- rather than pouring the salad dressing on your salad, dip your fork into the dressing first, and then into the salad. You'll get the same amount of flavor, without all the added calories! 18. Choose brown rice over white rice (or french fries), whole grain breads and rolls over white. Not only are they lower in calories, but they are better for you. 19. Stay away from "all you can eat" buffets and salad bars. It's too easy to lose track of the amount of food you're eating, even when it's salads. If that's your only choice, then stay away from the pasta, marinated salads, cheeses and fruit salads with whipped cream. Stick to soups, raw vegetables and fresh fruits. 20. Have your soup first. It will help to fill you up, and most soups have fewer calories. 21. If you're craving something sweet, and don't want fresh fruit, choose sorbet. If you absolutely HAVE to have the chocolate sauce, use the same trick as you did with the salad dressing -- dip your fork into it first, then your dessert. 22. Split your dessert with your companion. You'll still feel like you got to be indulgent, and you'll only have to exercise half as long to burn off the extra calories! 23. When ordering sandwiches, order them with mustard only, rather than mayonnaise. Not only does mustard have almost no calories, but you won't miss the mayo! 24. If the portion you were served is large, only eat half of it. Take the other half home. Not only will you get two meals for the price of one, but you'll cut the calories in half as well! 25. Go for a walk after eating. Stroll along the beach, walk through a park, visit a zoo. You'll burn calories and get your exercise at the same time! Online Weight Loss Tips - - your source for diet and exercise tips. Article Source: ambien drug side effect
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Saturday, March 29, 2008
Bass - Fishing Topwater Baits
By Jack Phillips Bass fishing with topwater baits is without a doubt the most fun you can have fishing for large or smallmouth bass. People watch these bass tournaments on the tube and see all these pros using plastic and spinner baits jigs and crankbaits, forget about the fun and excitement you get with topwater baits. Topwater baits create great action and stories to pass on to family and fishing friends. Bass fishing with topwater baits is without a doubt the most fun you can have fishing for large or smallmouth bass. People watch these bass tournaments on the tube and see all these pros using plastic and spinner baits jigs and crankbaits, forget about the fun and excitement you get with topwater baits. Topwater baits create great action and stories to pass on to family and fishing friends. The best time I find for topwater bass fishing is in summer, the colder the water the slower the response, and the more you have to work that bait. Early morning and evening are best for topwater bass fishing. Of course weather effects your choice of lures also, on a bright sunny day it is better to have a light wind to go with it, a bit of a chop makes the bass less spooky. On a calm sunny day use a heavier lure and lighter line for longer casts. Bass tend to become real spooky in calm and clear water, so the further the cast from you the better off you'll be. Wind can also change the type of topwater bait you can use I believe that when the wind comes up you should use a smaller bait that makes a lot of noise. The larger baits just plow through the chop, while the smaller baits ride the chop and still make that enticing noise to get the strike you want. Also try to fish through the troughs created by the wind. Bass fishing topwater baits has some of it's own quirks you want to be able to make pinpoint casts to cover areas and make a clear retrieve. Most of your topwater bass fishing will be done in shallow water over weed beds, flats and around objects and shoreline cover. The majority of bass population remains in shallow water all summer. To fish bass with topwater baits cast about a foot or two past your target and bring it as close to the cover as possible. If you do not get a strike after the first few feet reel in and try again and make another cast. Fishing cover like this there is no need to reel the bait all the way to the boat. Work the bait slowly to get that strike from the bass that is hiding in the shadows and under cover. Have patience when fishing topwater baits, let the ripples disapear, and let the bait sit a few seconds before you make you retrieve. When the bass strikes a topwater bait, wait till you feel the fish before you set the hook. If you try to set that hook when you first see the strike you'll miss more than you will catch. I can't count the times that lure has been nocked back towards me by the bass striking that topwater bait. Now for some of the most popular baits, Poppers are among the oldest of topwater bass fishing lures. They have the dished out face with the line tie in the middle. When retrieved they make a slash noise or "bloop" when popped. Poppers work best in warm, calm, shallow, clear water. You get your action from the rod tip not reeling. The harder you snap the bait the more noise and commotion created. Stickbaits are rounded, hot-dog shaped lures usually plastic or wood. weighted to float nose up. The only action they have is what the angler ads to make them work. These baits have appeal for big bass, just using the jerk, then real up slack and jerking again produces a good eratic side to side motion that gets lots of attention from bass. Propbaits are cigar shaped and fitted with propellers on one or both ends. Propbaits can be worked fast or slow, quiet or loud, but stop and go retrieves are best. The bass will let you know what is best so vary your retrieve. Be sure to experiment, propbaits are dynamite around sunken logs, lily pads, and shallow cover. Be sure the blades on the lure run freely, Wobblers and Crawlers, these baits are particularly best at night or early morning, Examples of these are the Jitterbug or the Crazy Crawler. They make a loud plopping sound when retrieved steadily. Use a steady slow retrieve for the best results with this bass bait. Buzzbaits are a little like spinnerbaits desingned to be fished on the surface. There are two types, the opposite wire types, with the blade above the hook, and the inline type with everything on one shaft. Excellent for clear water, and pick up less weeds. Again experiment with your working of this bait, twitching and vary speeds to create different noises. Weedless Spoons are also in this category, designed to be fished in dense cover, either through the thickest weeds, lily pads, or grass. They go through the toughest cover you can find. Fishing with weedless spoons for bass you will want to be using heavy fishing tackle, rods and reels. I like to point my rod tip at the lure on my retrieve, and again here be patient and allow the bass to take the lure. Now just remember, get out there enjoy nature, fresh air and let's go fishing. When using these tips you will improve your results and of course have more fun. Jack Phillips has been fishing Canada coast to coast for over 50 years. Fishing Canada provides solid advice for walleye, bass, pike, muskie, a variety of trout and more. Ideas on when and where to go on your next trip to Canada. Ice fishing tips. Delicious fish recipes to boot! Article Source: what does lorazepam do
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How To Lose Weight Around Your Thighs
By Matt Shuebrook A step by step report that reveals just how simple it can be to tone and tighten your fatty thighs. How many times have you said to yourself Ahhhh I hate having to wear bigger pants then I should. I wish I could wear normal pants. I even wish I could wear shorts without feeling embarrassed of ALL THAT EXTRA Jell-O thats hanging around my thighs. Almost every week of the year I am asked over and over again How can I tone and rid my legs and thighs of fat? It has gotten to the point where I need to carry a mp3 player with me to share the answer. I know that losing weight and toning your legs are HUGE goals. In fact, I know that if you accomplish these goals you will feel 1000% better than you do this very moment. As with weight loss in general, the process that I use to tone and tighten your thighs is very simple, but it is not always very easy. It is going to take a lot of commitment on your part to get the job done right, safe, and efficiently. There are many methods to achieving a lean, sexy and fit body; but there are only a few principles. I tend to mix and match methods and principles. I feel that this will give you the best overall chance to winning the battle of getting those jeans to fit again. You know the ones that fit last year, but now you have to squeeze every muscle in your body just to get them to button and zip up. Step 1: Can the Cardio Stop trying to disprove the our treadmills are built to last ad. You dont have to run for hours on end, day in day out to see results. In fact if you keep this up you will not only get hurt and not see results but you will come to the reality that the treadmill is actually built to last. Instead of running for hours a day. You only need to run for a few hours a month. I am a HUGE fan of high intensity intervals. A few ways that you can time your intervals would be run as fast as you can for 1 minute followed by a 2 minute walk/jog. Run as fast as you can for 30 seconds followed by a 45 second-1 minute walk/jog. Run 15 seconds walk/jog 30 seconds. Again as I said earlier, there are many ways to time your intervals. The key is to make sure that your run portion is done at full speed and your slower portion is done atwell a slower speed. The slower speed time is great for preparing yourself mentally and physically for the next run fast period and catching your breath. Your goal is to be able to accomplish 30 minutes of these high intensity intervals. Step 2: Lunge your way to lean legs and then squat down to sit. Did you know that if you do 3 sets of lunges and 3 sets of squats only 3 days a week you can easily trim 3 inches of fat off of your legs in only 3-6 weeks. As long as you are eating the right foods, accomplishing this 3 inch loss from your legs should no breeze. Make sure to alternate lower body/ upper body exercises. In other words, if you want to get results without getting hurt, you better do a upper body dominant exercise after doing your squats and before doing your lunges. Or you can do lunges, upper body exercise, squats. Step 3: Flat abs do not come from crunches, they come from cooks. It is vital to note, that if you want a toned and flat looking midsection it is crucial for you to not only eat right but also do the right abdominal exercises at the right time. How many times have you seen women constantly doing crunches in the gym, but never see them satisfied. I mean logically if they do a few hundred crunches a day they should have to problem building a tone and sexy physique, right? If it were so easy I think everyone would have the body of their dreams. The truth is that the most that the crunch squad at the gym will do is build a weak and imbalanced core that will eventually lead to poor posture, herniated disks and still a flabby stomach. My point in sharing this with you is to teach you that what you have read in all the magazines about doing hundreds of crunches is all lies. There are tons of other fantastic abdominal exercises that will get you much better results, much faster, and much safer. In addition to doing these other great abdominal exercises you must eat the right foods. This is especially the case for those who only have a few pounds of fat to lose. For those who need to lose more then 30 pounds can get away with not eating entirely perfect. However there will come a time where you will have to eat entirely right in order to continue seeing results. Author: Matt Shuebrook, CPT of Christian Health and Fitness Download Your Free Copy of The Christian's Guide to Maximal Weight Loss sample ebook at To download THOUSANDS of real workouts instantly go to
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Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Dutch Tulips
By Kristy Annely Annually, Netherlands produces an approximate nine billion flower bulbs. In April and May, the flower fields in west Holland bloom at their best. The beginning of the cultivation of flower bulbs for the purposes of commerce was 400 years ago in Haarlem and nearby areas. De bollenstreek or the bulb district, lays between Haarlem and Leiden, with a large percentage of the population earning their living from bulbs in the forms of nurseries, industries that supply the sector or in exporting the flowers. The center of the bulb-growing area was the town of Lisse, where there is still held a famous flower exhibition called de Keukenhof. Tulip ownership became a major status symbol among middle and upper class Dutch families by the early 1630s. Lower classes traded bulbs at local taverns to meet the skyrocketing demand. They sold tulips simply to make money. Single bulbs fetched exorbitant prices. The tulip craze got out of control by 1636; buyers started exchanging huge amounts of cash and goods to obtain a single bulb. February 1637 heralded the dramatic crash of the Dutch tulip market and a major crisis followed. Prices had soared to such high levels that the smaller tulip buyers and traders found it hard to purchase bulbs. Gradually, the prices rose so high that many buyers either could not or did not want to purchase them, leading to a 90% crash in tulip bulbs. Tulip traders and buyers found themselves in a financial dilemma, and the Dutch courts refused to honor tulip contracts. All contracts created before November 1636 were declared null and void by the Amsterdam authorities. No species of tulip is native to Holland, although it is usually associated with these stunning flowers that are today available at reasonable prices. Flowers bulbs in the Netherlands are a source of pride and passion as well as a product. Tulips provides detailed information on Tulips, Tulip Bulbs, Dutch Tulips, Tulip Delivery and more. Tulips is affiliated with Send Roses Cheap. Article Source: ambien 24 hours
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Investigate a Date Before It's Too Late?
By Tad Stevens Woman Savers, Dont Date Him Girl, Cheaters Hall of Shame, just to name a few.... It seems like every time I look a new website appears with the goal of trying to identify a cheating spouse or lover. The intended mission of these websites is to create a database of cheaters in the hopes of preventing other people from becoming a victim of infidelity. The main idea behind these websites goes something like this: You meet someone who captures your interest, so you decided to check his or her relational history, and depending on what you discover you either follow your heart or you abandon your romantic intentions and move on to someone else. While the idea is simple enough, does it really work? I have my doubts. For starters, creating a database of cheaters is problematic simply because too many people cheat. If the estimates are correct, its safe to assume that half the population may cheat at one time or another. So, for a database to be somewhat accurate, it may have to list hundreds of millions of people. But, if most people are listed, how useful does that information become? As a general rule of thumb, information is most useful when it identifies a small and defined group of people. When information applies to too many people, it becomes less informative because it does not help people make decisions. If most of the people you are interested in dating have cheated at one time or another, how do you decide who to date? These databases would be much more useful if only a handful of people cheated and they could be accurately identified. Related to the point above, not only do too many people cheat, but there are too many databases currently in existence. Given the hundreds of databases that exist, and that these databases do not share the names of cheaters with each other, to do a thorough search requires extensive time and effort. Just trying to identify all of the databases that exist can take the better part of a day. Not to mention the fact that registration is often required before a search for a cheater can even be done. When you think about it, who has all of the time and effort required to conduct even minimal check? Another problem with these sites is the tone they take. For the most part, these sites come across as being vindictive in nature. Despite the fact that these sites claim that they are trying to prevent others from getting hurt, more often than not, these sites come across as little more than an opportunity for an ex-lover to settle a score. In other words, these websites strike a more vengeful than a preventative tone. And when people encounter comments and claims made out of spite, they tend to discount whats said. After all, who has not been hurt by an ex-lover? And who really takes heed of what an ex-lover has to say? People assume that ex-lovers are biased and that they only present one side of the story. Most people know better than to believe everything that comes out of the mouth of an ex-lover, especially when their comments appear to be driven by revenge. Finally, these sites dont really take into account the most basic tenet of human nature: Love is based on faith, hope and promise, not facts. When romance is involved, people are blind to the truth. After all, even convicted serial murders receive marriage proposals. I suspect that websites designed to identify cheaters, will have little impact on peoples decision making when it comes to love and romance. Why? Love and romance will always trump information, logic and reason. I dont want to come across as being too critical of these websites. I believe that they serve a useful purpose; its just not the purpose they claim to serve. In their proper perspective, these sites can be entertaining to read and they can provide a place for an ex-lover to vent about things that went wrong. As long as liable is not being committed, I do not see any harm being done. I just do not see much value in them either. I write about close relationships, focusing on the problem of lying and cheating. For more information please visit my blog at Lying and Cheating Blog. Article Source: brain injuries and ambien
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By []Eva Baldwyn Everybody knows about the importance of car in a business. If we shift from the point of being a cheaper means of transport, it actually adds your repute and goodwill to your business. A business car is helpful in accomplishing a variety of tasks as below: Carrying delegates from office to home or vice-versa Efficient means for employees to move to important meetings Cheaper than automobile on rent Effective means of transport for small raw material The above mentioned benefits of a business car make it essential for every business. Many people may not notice your business if your business lacks a business car. It might be the difference between contract wining and losing. Business cars now become as a necessity for every business to show its complete presence. Also, you want to invest money in the business instead of blocking a big capital in purchasing a business car. What will you do next? No need to panic, as business car loan can easily help you to live a burden-free life. Business car loan is meant for those businessmen who dont want to invest money in purchasing a business car on their own. This will probably help them to invest their capital in promoting their business. Business car loan is covered by collateral. Your car itself acts as collateral while you avail any business car loan. Lenders always prefer to lend money to those people who can produce any collateral. Business car loan comes with affordable interest rates and long term period and thus removes extra burden from your financial standings. Negotiation can be done on interest rate issues if you have a perfect credit score. It is to be noted that availing business car loan beyond your financial capacity might creates problems for you in the future. Inability to repay loan amount on time may force lenders to take action against you. They may also repossess your car. So make sure that you apply that much loan amount about which you are sure to repay on time. Business car loan can be purchased by a number of mediums like banks, financial companies, or online lenders. Among these three resources online lenders provide you the fastest medium of availing business car loan. Online lenders can be easily reached by spending a few hours on the internet. Business car loan can put you in the driver seat by facilitating quick access to your money. Eva Baldwyn aims to inform common men and women of the several issues involved in
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Top Advisor Says: Successful Coaching Must Be Highly Structured
By Dr. Gary S. Goodman One of the coolest things about being in business for yourself is that you can experiment. If you dont like traditional selling, for instance because theres too much pressure in it, you can try a softer, more low-key approach and compare how you do, both ways. You might discover that there are reasons we have to deliberately use old fashioned devices such as closes, because most prospects simply wont close themselves. A successful regional manager of an insurance company said: Many folks need to be led. You may not like this idea, and even be offended by it, feeling it ushers in images of authoritarianism, but using formal closes gives finality to conversations, bringing them to productive conclusions. Again, choose your own path, but measure your results. I did something not too long ago when I entered business coaching after having been a successful consultant for several years. Purposely, I structured the amount of time Id spend with clients, but I let our agendas for each session be somewhat improvised. Believing that the coaching model enables an advisor to address the most pressing needs at a given time, I thought it would be unduly restrictive to plan numerous weeks and even months in advance. As a consultant, this is exactly what I did. At the beginning of each relationship the client knew where Id be, what Id be doing, the time units required, and the out of pocket for my assistance. So, what happened after I took a more hang loose approach because I was coaching? It backfired. In essence, because there was less formality there was less credibility in the process, and coaching clients didn't imbue our work together with as much value as had my consulting clients. Clients do like to be led, and structure is soothing, it reinforces their original decision to buy, and it arouses the important perception that real, and substantial progress is being made. How can someone feel youre on track if you havent meticulously laid the track out in advance? So, to appear credible, to promote client satisfaction, and to develop and deliver profitable programs, make sure to plan your work and then to work your plan! Dr. Gary S. Goodman is the best-selling author of 12 books, over 600 articles, and the creator of numerous audio and video training programs, including "The Law of Large Numbers: How To Make Success Inevitable," published by Nightingale-Conant-a favorite among salespeople and entrepreneurs. For information about booking Gary to speak at your next sales, customer service or management meeting, conference or convention, please address your inquiry to: Article Source: side effects of ambien drug
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Friday, March 14, 2008
Legal Significance of Digital Signatures
By Nicholas Deleault A cornerstone of United States contract law is the general application of the Statute of Frauds to contractual agreements. Emerging forms of electronic commerce and new types of contractual relationships have begun challenge the very idea of defining the four corners of a contract. Many obstacles concerning contractual relationships arise with the proliferation of electronic commerce, most notably determining what constitutes a valid signature. Traditionally, the Statute of Frauds is a collective term describing various statutory provisions that deny enforcement of certain forms of contracts unless they are reduced to writing and signed by the party to be charged. The problem with this traditional idea of the Statute of Frauds is how it relates to electronic commerce in determining whether the party being charged with the contract has actually signed the contract for purposes of enforcement. Various forms of legislation dealing with internet law have attempted to define and describe digital and electronic signatures for purposes of determining enforceability. Generally, there are two broad categories of signatures when dealing with electronic contracts.
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I. Electronic Signatures The Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA) defines electronic signature as an electronic sound, symbol, or process attached to or associated with, an electronic record and executed or adopted by a person with the intent to sign the record. UETA, 2. Often referred to as click-wrap agreements, these forms of electronic signatures are given a broad presumption of enforceability through acts such as UETA and the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (ESGNCA/ E-Sign). These acts make it clear that binding contracts may be created by the exchange of email or by simply clicking yes on those click-on licensing agreements that we have all accepted w ith all types of internet transactions. Like the UETA, the ESGNCA does require that consumers affirmatively consent to the click agreements and that the vendor must provide the consumer with a clear and conspicuous statement regarding the effect of agreeing to click, but parole evidence is rarely allowed in order to prove or disprove intent to contract. ESGNCA101(c)1. By simply clicking I agree intent is presumed. The widespread enforceability of electronic signatures is also recognized as completely valid for purposes of liability protection by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. DMCA512(3)(A)(i). As a relatively settled area of internet law, it is important to understand the enforceability of electronic signatures, whether or not intent is manifest from the face of the agreement itself. Since these click wrap agreements are presumptively enforceable, it is important to advise your clients regarding the potential pitfalls accepting terms of an online transaction without fully understanding what they are agreeing to. Simply accepting these terms may interfere with your clients right to the judicial system for dispute resolution, as click-on arbitration clauses are also generally enforceable. Your clients will not be able to rely on the Statute of Frauds in order to demonstrate that there was no intent to contract. With electronic signatures, intent is an objective standard, generally determined by the simple click of a mouse. II. Digital Signatures Unlike electronic signatures, digital signatures are more often than not used as a means of demonstrating affirmative intent. The problems with digital signatures do not stem from inadvertent agreement to terms, but rather from the security and confidentiality of the digital signatures. Generally speaking, digital signatures are encrypted electronic signatures that a third party (often referred to as the certification authority) authenticates as genuine. Unlike the more general electronic signature, a digital signature must be unique and strictly under the sole custody of the party using it. Unlike electronic signatures, where a typed name, a company name or even a logo can all bind the party to be charged by its mere presence, digital signatures offer the agreeing party greater levels of security and efficiency. The general types of signatures will not be enforceable as a digital signature. Because of the authentication requirements of a digital signature, it should be recommended that clients rely on the use of digital signatures for any high-profile or high liability electronic contract. Digital signature use will only increase in use in the future, as parties to all transactions will seek a heightened level of information security without the fear of accidentally agreeing to unfavorable terms. While there is an inherent fear of paperless transactions, especially with more traditional attorneys and companies, the use of digital signatures makes commerce faster, more secure and more effective and should be recommended to clients when appropriate. The use of digital signatures is even more effective when dealing in international trade, making it no longer necessary to fly overseas in order to demonstrate intent to sign a contract. While understanding and zealously advising clients to the use of various forms of signatures for electronic commerce is important, it is also imperative to understand that we are still in the early years of a technological revolution, and that part of being an effective advocate is keeping up to date on advancements in the law. Electronic and digital signatures are only the beginning. Advancements in technology will soon allow for the widespread use of biometric identification as a means of demonstrating intent to contract. Principles of contract law will continue to evolve with technology and while the application of contract principles and the Statute of Frauds will not substantially change, their interpretation and use surely will. This article was written by Nicholas J. Deleault, Pierce Law Center 07. Nicholas writes select legal articles for the Law Firm of Goldstien and Clegg, a Massachusetts cyberlaw firm. Article Source: buy zolpidem
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I. Electronic Signatures The Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA) defines electronic signature as an electronic sound, symbol, or process attached to or associated with, an electronic record and executed or adopted by a person with the intent to sign the record. UETA, 2. Often referred to as click-wrap agreements, these forms of electronic signatures are given a broad presumption of enforceability through acts such as UETA and the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (ESGNCA/ E-Sign). These acts make it clear that binding contracts may be created by the exchange of email or by simply clicking yes on those click-on licensing agreements that we have all accepted w ith all types of internet transactions. Like the UETA, the ESGNCA does require that consumers affirmatively consent to the click agreements and that the vendor must provide the consumer with a clear and conspicuous statement regarding the effect of agreeing to click, but parole evidence is rarely allowed in order to prove or disprove intent to contract. ESGNCA101(c)1. By simply clicking I agree intent is presumed. The widespread enforceability of electronic signatures is also recognized as completely valid for purposes of liability protection by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. DMCA512(3)(A)(i). As a relatively settled area of internet law, it is important to understand the enforceability of electronic signatures, whether or not intent is manifest from the face of the agreement itself. Since these click wrap agreements are presumptively enforceable, it is important to advise your clients regarding the potential pitfalls accepting terms of an online transaction without fully understanding what they are agreeing to. Simply accepting these terms may interfere with your clients right to the judicial system for dispute resolution, as click-on arbitration clauses are also generally enforceable. Your clients will not be able to rely on the Statute of Frauds in order to demonstrate that there was no intent to contract. With electronic signatures, intent is an objective standard, generally determined by the simple click of a mouse. II. Digital Signatures Unlike electronic signatures, digital signatures are more often than not used as a means of demonstrating affirmative intent. The problems with digital signatures do not stem from inadvertent agreement to terms, but rather from the security and confidentiality of the digital signatures. Generally speaking, digital signatures are encrypted electronic signatures that a third party (often referred to as the certification authority) authenticates as genuine. Unlike the more general electronic signature, a digital signature must be unique and strictly under the sole custody of the party using it. Unlike electronic signatures, where a typed name, a company name or even a logo can all bind the party to be charged by its mere presence, digital signatures offer the agreeing party greater levels of security and efficiency. The general types of signatures will not be enforceable as a digital signature. Because of the authentication requirements of a digital signature, it should be recommended that clients rely on the use of digital signatures for any high-profile or high liability electronic contract. Digital signature use will only increase in use in the future, as parties to all transactions will seek a heightened level of information security without the fear of accidentally agreeing to unfavorable terms. While there is an inherent fear of paperless transactions, especially with more traditional attorneys and companies, the use of digital signatures makes commerce faster, more secure and more effective and should be recommended to clients when appropriate. The use of digital signatures is even more effective when dealing in international trade, making it no longer necessary to fly overseas in order to demonstrate intent to sign a contract. While understanding and zealously advising clients to the use of various forms of signatures for electronic commerce is important, it is also imperative to understand that we are still in the early years of a technological revolution, and that part of being an effective advocate is keeping up to date on advancements in the law. Electronic and digital signatures are only the beginning. Advancements in technology will soon allow for the widespread use of biometric identification as a means of demonstrating intent to contract. Principles of contract law will continue to evolve with technology and while the application of contract principles and the Statute of Frauds will not substantially change, their interpretation and use surely will. This article was written by Nicholas J. Deleault, Pierce Law Center 07. Nicholas writes select legal articles for the Law Firm of Goldstien and Clegg, a Massachusetts cyberlaw firm. Article Source: buy zolpidem
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Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Where Will Your IT Staff Come From NOW?
By Jeff Altman The labor recession is over. During the course of the recession, almost 500,000 IT positions were lost according to publicly collected data and anecdotal information suggests even more. According top a recent poll, American business will add over 200000 new IT jobs in 2005. Your staff will probably be scanning job boards to see their value and blocking access is useless; theyll only do it at home. So now that companies are hiring again, where are they going to find their staff of educated experienced professionals? In most labor recessions, the group most affected by staff reductions is that of older, more experienced workers. These individuals have often accepted managerial positions that are less in demand as firms do fewer new projects and are often maintaining existing systems. Yet, initial demand during a recovery is for staff level professionals who are involved with execution, rather than managing. Thus the most affected group is the one least sought after when the recovery comesunless they have used this time to revitalize their core technical skills and reposition themselves as staff, rather than management. The other impact of a labor recession is that fewer young people are focusing on technology as their potential profession resulting in fewer people entering the labor force. So your company has funded projects that need skilled staff. Where can you turn to? 1. Underutilized internal staff. Are there people on your staff who are high performers in their current role who could be trained for lower level staff positions on the project? These people may have an understanding of your business and industry that will provide subtle value on the project. Training them will help to retain them, keeping them from being picked off by other firms (Oh did I mention, that your staff is going to be poached again by other firms with labor shortages, offered salaries that you may fund shocking). 2. Consider hiring people who can be employed through TN visas. TN visas are one year automatically renewable visas that were created under NAFTA. Often, these employees will work for less than US workers. It requires an offer letter crafted in a particular manner and a check for $50. 3. Work with search firms again. You dont have the time to speak with every person who emails a resume to you, especially people who flip resumes to every job posting like burgers at a fast food restaurant. Using search firms or employment agencies to assist with hiring will help with your time management. Interview them like you would a new employee. Once you accept them, provide them with useful screening questions in order to serve you. It is not enough to say, I want a J2EE developer with two years of experience. Tell them what the person should have done within those two years. Give them a questionnaire to administer pre-referral. 4. Hire people who have H1B visas. You can pay for these people as consultants where you will be charged more or you can pay for them as employees. Hiring someone with an H1B requires their completing a form on their first day of work that allows you to transfer the visa to your firm. Yes, you will help to sponsor them for their green card and that will cost money. They will pay for it with slightly lower wages and hard work. Getting someone who is early in their visa will allow you access to an employee for several years. In 2005 and beyond, as the labor market picks up steam, you will need to be creative to attract and retain staff from your competitors. Fair wages and benefits will be one element that will help; training will be another. Yet whether you will even be able to find someone when you need them will be most important of all. Jeff Altman has successfully assisted many corporations identify technology management leaders and staff since 1971. Jeff has his Masters degree from Fordham University and post-graduate training at the Institute of Modern Psychoanalysis (IMP), where he developed an expertise in organizational development that makes him uniquely qualified to evaluate a potential employee for their fit into an organization. To contact Jeff about a search, email him at Other articles by Jeff Altman about hiring and job hunting appear at Article Source: dosage for ambien
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Tuesday, March 11, 2008
The Lost Tribes Of Israel
By Matti Simonaho The Christianites (Gothic Christianity) and The Christianized people are different type of people. Christianized people of today belong in origin to one of the Original Seven Churches. The Christianites, The Goths, are those who killed, raped, burnt, stole, told lies about ( witches, pagans, of wrong faith, of wrong color etc) etc of the People of the Seven Original Churches. The Christianites - Goths - were at some point of history banned and cursed by The Kingdom of Heaven. None of the Tribes of Israel is lost - they are lost only because you are lost believing rather than knowing. By Time, the National Identity decrease and the Spiritual Identity increase. The Israel -name is only a reference for the Origin of The Seven Original Churches. The Kingdom of Heaven don't judge people by national identity, or color, or what faith they are in, or if they believe or not, or if they have read The Bible or not, or if they know Jesus or not. The only thing people are judged by, is the quality of Soul. Christianity is based on stolen symbols, copies of scriptures etc. in origin belonging to their Enemies: The People of The Seven Original Churches, of which The First (Efeson), is The Church of The Last (youngest): Isa (Jesus). ISA (Jesus) is The Head of The Church but not any church - He's The Head of His Church. Many of the Apostles today described as Christian apostles are in origin not Christian Apostles. Like many symbols and writings, the Apostles identity was "confiscated" by Christianites making people to believe Christianity and the Christianites are one of the Original Seven Churches. Modern Christians have nothing to do with Christianity; Their ancestors were Christianized at some point of history and during several generations, the knowledge was lost because of bad, Mind-Only based teaching people must accept - otherwise they were killed. The identity of The Church of ISA (Efeson : Jesus) was taken over by The Goat (Christianity) and people were forced by violence to accept the Mind-Only basis teachings of The Goat: Christianized people - The Lost Tribes. SOME FACTS:
1. ISA (Jesus) is not a believer.
2. ISA (Jesus) don't believe - He know.
3. ISA (Jesus is not a Christian : He's Head of His Own Church.
4. ISA (Jesus) is not follower of Martin Luther, or any Christianite teachings.
5. In The Bible, The are Words of The Creator. After 1700 years of teaching, why do we only know what's written in The Bible, but not the Original Words of The Creator?
6. ISA (Jesus), using Christianites own terms by history is: A Pagan, Of Wrong Faith, A Witch, An Atheist. Then you must ask yourself: " Who am I following? Who is The False Prophet misleading people?". According to ISA (Jesus), you cannot be Christian and A Follower of ISA (Jesus). According to history, no-one have learnt anything the past 1700 years - except for paying for praying. Everything Christianity is based on are stolen from the ancestors of the people who today believe rather than know. All churches are built on from our ancestors stolen land. Christianized people follow blindly a faith invented after ISA (Jesus) and The Seven Original Churches - a faith that killed their ancestors. Christianized people are follwing a fake. READ FULL ARTICLE AT Matti E Simonaho Article Source: ambien hives
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1. ISA (Jesus) is not a believer.
2. ISA (Jesus) don't believe - He know.
3. ISA (Jesus is not a Christian : He's Head of His Own Church.
4. ISA (Jesus) is not follower of Martin Luther, or any Christianite teachings.
5. In The Bible, The are Words of The Creator. After 1700 years of teaching, why do we only know what's written in The Bible, but not the Original Words of The Creator?
6. ISA (Jesus), using Christianites own terms by history is: A Pagan, Of Wrong Faith, A Witch, An Atheist. Then you must ask yourself: " Who am I following? Who is The False Prophet misleading people?". According to ISA (Jesus), you cannot be Christian and A Follower of ISA (Jesus). According to history, no-one have learnt anything the past 1700 years - except for paying for praying. Everything Christianity is based on are stolen from the ancestors of the people who today believe rather than know. All churches are built on from our ancestors stolen land. Christianized people follow blindly a faith invented after ISA (Jesus) and The Seven Original Churches - a faith that killed their ancestors. Christianized people are follwing a fake. READ FULL ARTICLE AT Matti E Simonaho Article Source: ambien hives
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By Damey Flower Lawyer is meant to handle all the trivial cases with efficiency and effectiveness. There are a lot many cases and suits that are being filed in the court of law, on everyday basis. From divorce case to other family cases, from civil to criminal cases and from dispute cases to problem solving matters, lawyer has to specialize in all matters. Every other lawyer handles the case with utmost care, so that results may turn out to be in their clients favor. Whether it is the matter of divorce or any other family law case, lawyer has the knack of putting all points in the right manner before the judge. In the case of divorce, people always prefer best divorce lawyer for handling their cases. Divorce is the matter of careful handling because the reputation of both the parties is at stake, along with their life after that. The best divorce lawyer will see to it that the case should not end up as something really messed up situation. Everything has to be carried out in a proper manner, so that newer controversies and issues may not crop up between the matters. Whenever husband and wife get entangled in a divorce case, they would make allegations on each other for doing misconduct to them. The best divorce lawyer takes care that these allegations should not turn out to be one of the worst experiences in life. The lawyer would represent their points of view in the court. Along with handling problems such as divorce cases, they also have to see that how their client can get compensation from their partner, how the childs custody can be taken if the child is infant, is it any possibility of out of court settlement, proper division of property and other assets, and many other matters. After all, best divorce lawyer will be handling all the intricacies and issues with effectiveness. Well, it is the matter of the life of their clients after the case ends. Many of the divorce lawyers would be suggesting out of court settlement for their clients, in order to drag them into legal problems and verbal fights in the court. When it comes to recovering compensation from the other partner or the matter of childs custody, the best divorce lawyer would be keeping those points in front of the judge that are much stronger than the opponent. Obviously, the work of the best divorce lawyer is to represent their clients point of view in the court. All a person can do is discuss all the aspects of the case with best divorce lawyer, so that some of the major points of consideration can be chalked out for better results. After all, best divorce lawyer would be working for the benefit of their clients only. The main task of the best divorce lawyer would be to take out certain points from the case that can prove to be useful in winning the case. It is quite natural that every other client would be willing to drive the decision to their favor. Now, it becomes the priority of the best divorce lawyer to study and plan the case in such manner that their client is benefited most out of the final results. If you happen to get the services of best divorce lawyer within the decided budget, then you surely are a luck person. Damyel Flower is an expert divorce lawyer. He has the ability to handle most complicated issues of divorce. He works for Malcolm S. Taub LLP and gives advice to clients who are looking for Art lawyer, Best divorce lawyer, pre-nup lawyer. For legal advice and to hire services of a lawyer in New York visit Article Source: ambien prescription drug price for 5mg
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Then They Said "Build A Better Mousetrap...", And They Still Didn't Come!
By Paul Ashby Well perhaps the most stupid of concepts "Word of mouth marketing" is regarded as a better mousetrapfor the life of me I cannot figure out why! Recently one highly regarded member of the Ad.Community said"as most other conventional media have lost authority and commercial effectiveness, word of mouth is re-emerging. Whose word do we trust? Each others"! Whoops, here we go again, setting up the excuses for advertising's failure, this time it is the media, who's next I wonder? Once upon a time it was the creative people who were at fault, then they woke up to the fact that creativity was not the answer to the problem, which makes one ponder, when will they ever learn? And that's one of the many problems that face advertising, so many "experts" in different fields, resulting in so many reasons for advertising's' failure. The real problem? Simply put it is a total lack of communication competence. Recently Ted D'Cruz-Young of Ideocracy (N.Y.) had this to say to the big TV Networks: "You've allowed agencies and advertisers to abuse your commercial real estate with stuff that might be good advertising but it is bad contentthe commercial break is bust, it's time for something quite different. No more messaging screamfest(we need) deeper engagement and stronger brand relationships" For far too long advertising agencies have been dancing on the head of a pin called a 30-second TV commercial! Now comes word of mouth! Whenoh when will they get around to studying the word "communication" a little more closely? Because the answers right there. A better, far, far, better mousetrap was built over twenty-five years ago but the advertising agencies were not prepared to take delivery. Why? Simply put they were not concerned with solving their Clients problems they simply wanted to maximise their profits! This communication technique reduced frequency, thus less clutter, enhanced awareness of TV commercials, used existing media, and was totally accountable just one exposure was far more effective than reach and frequency. And they didn't like that one bit! Now here they are, having nearly ruined one perfectly good media establishment madly going off to then disenchant clients as to the efficacy
or otherwise of the Internet, a medium totally hostile to the concept of advertising. In the rapidly growing internet ad economy advertising has firmed up as one of the choice revenue streams for a Web 2.0 world, meaning more and more media contact points for consumers. Thus new media have the potential to deliver even more saturation, clutter and intrusiveness than traditional media, in which case the new media will only worsen marketing resistance. Why is it that anytime there is a new destination for people, like YouTube or mobile phones, the assumption is "we've got to find ways to put some ads there." The fact of the matter is that will only make matters worse, as somebody said recently, "a rising blizzard of clutter". Attempts to beat clutter only end up yielding more of it, a bitter irony bound to have dire consequences for a business already struggling with questions of relevance and effectiveness. Simply put, the advertising industry is crushing itself under the weight of its own messages! The better mousetrap is still herein fact better than ever, just listen to this. Over the last decade a consensus has formed among researchers that the power of television commercials to affect sales range from the insignificant to the non-existent. Some of the most acclaimed and memorable ads of all times have been pretty awful at doing what they were created for i.e. sell products. However that is not the fault of the TV stations, and it is unfair that they should now be the subject of such soul searching. The commercials sometime look good and yes, viewers enjoy them, but make them buy the product? Again, however this consensus is not the fault of the television industry. When interactive events have been prepared together with a direct request for the viewer to pay particular attention to participating TV commercials, there has always been a substantial and measurable lift in brand awareness, message comprehension, which has always lead through to increases in sales. Now there's your better mousetrap! Paul Ashby pioneered interactive communication to the advertising and marketing communities some twenty-five years ago. The communication issues he addresses have been neglected during the explosive grown of advertising in the 60s, 70s and 80s, these are Cognitive Dissonance, Selective Retention and Selective Exposure. Would you like to discover the incredible results to be attained by using interactive communication? Well these are revealed for FREE at or contact Paul directly on Article Source:,-And-They-Still-Didnt-Come!&id=567596 ambien ambien a a target
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or otherwise of the Internet, a medium totally hostile to the concept of advertising. In the rapidly growing internet ad economy advertising has firmed up as one of the choice revenue streams for a Web 2.0 world, meaning more and more media contact points for consumers. Thus new media have the potential to deliver even more saturation, clutter and intrusiveness than traditional media, in which case the new media will only worsen marketing resistance. Why is it that anytime there is a new destination for people, like YouTube or mobile phones, the assumption is "we've got to find ways to put some ads there." The fact of the matter is that will only make matters worse, as somebody said recently, "a rising blizzard of clutter". Attempts to beat clutter only end up yielding more of it, a bitter irony bound to have dire consequences for a business already struggling with questions of relevance and effectiveness. Simply put, the advertising industry is crushing itself under the weight of its own messages! The better mousetrap is still herein fact better than ever, just listen to this. Over the last decade a consensus has formed among researchers that the power of television commercials to affect sales range from the insignificant to the non-existent. Some of the most acclaimed and memorable ads of all times have been pretty awful at doing what they were created for i.e. sell products. However that is not the fault of the TV stations, and it is unfair that they should now be the subject of such soul searching. The commercials sometime look good and yes, viewers enjoy them, but make them buy the product? Again, however this consensus is not the fault of the television industry. When interactive events have been prepared together with a direct request for the viewer to pay particular attention to participating TV commercials, there has always been a substantial and measurable lift in brand awareness, message comprehension, which has always lead through to increases in sales. Now there's your better mousetrap! Paul Ashby pioneered interactive communication to the advertising and marketing communities some twenty-five years ago. The communication issues he addresses have been neglected during the explosive grown of advertising in the 60s, 70s and 80s, these are Cognitive Dissonance, Selective Retention and Selective Exposure. Would you like to discover the incredible results to be attained by using interactive communication? Well these are revealed for FREE at or contact Paul directly on Article Source:,-And-They-Still-Didnt-Come!&id=567596 ambien ambien a a target
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Saturday, March 8, 2008
Why A Devotion to Saint Joseph
By Babes Tan-Magkalas Some people may argue that devotion to the saints keeps us from developing a closer relationship with God. I tend to disagree. You see, true devotion to Saints like St. Joseph involves seeing and imitating how they, who have had a close relationship with God, lived and reflected Him in their lives. While this is certainly no substitute for imitating Jesus, I believe it teaches us how to better relate to our Saviour. In real life, the way to know someone is through those who already know the person. As aptly said by Donald Thorman in the book 'Saints for All Seasons': "Of course, we don't have to pray to the saints; nor do I believe we are required to do so. But isn't it very human for us to want to know and become friends with those who know the Hero, especially if they have had first contact with him or her? Don't we often relate to the friend of someone from whom we wish a favor or about whom we wish to know more in order to get more of a feel for what kind of person the Hero is? Of course we do this all the time and I see no reason why we shouldn't do the same in case of those whom we call saints because of their unique relationship to the supreme transcendental source of our faith." I have been a St. Joseph's devotee for several years now and I can honestly say that my devotion to him has paved the way for a closer relationship with my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ as well as with Mary. It is almost impossible to think of Joseph without thinking of Jesus and our Blessed Mother. Everyone is free to choose any saint he/she wants to have a devotion to. People have their own reasons for choosing certain saints as their patron. Personally, my devotion to St. Joseph stems from the fact that I could count on his intercession on important aspects of my life: family, work, spiritual development. I can count on St. Joseph's intercession for the protection of my family just as he protected Jesus and Mary. I can count on His intercession in my work because he too worked to support his Holy Family. I can count on His intercession for my spiritual development as he is the patron of the Universal Church of which I am a part. His virtues are certainly worth emulating. Through the years, both popes and saints have encouraged devotion to St. Joseph. On August 15, 1889, Pope Leo XIII issued an encyclical letter on the Devotion to St. Joseph entitled "Quamquam Pluries". One hundred years later, John Paul II issued an Apostolic Exhortation entitled "Redemptoris Custos" (Guardian of the Redeemer). Various popes declared St. Joseph as: Patron of the Universal Church - Pope Pius IX Model for fathers of families - Pope Leo XIIIProtector of Working Men - Pope Benedict XV Patron of Social Justice - Pope Pius X Pope Pius XII instituted the feast of St. Joseph the Worker on May 1. Pope John XXIII inserted St. Joseph's name into the Roman Canon of the Mass. St. Teresa of Avila is an example of a saint who had great devotion to St. Joseph. St. Augustine and St. John Chrysostom spoke admiringly of St. Joseph. So did St. Bernardine of Siena who said that Jesus respected St. Joseph so much on earth that He will not refuse him anything in heaven. Blessed Andre Bessette has attributed all the miraculous works God has allowed him to do while he was ministering at the St. Joseph's Oratory, to the intercession of St. Joseph. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Babes Tan-Magkalas is the webmaster of St. Joseph's Site (, a site devoted to helping people build their faith in God and the power of prayer and to promoting the devotion to St. Joseph as the Saint for all the seasons of life. Article Source: buy ambien online 100 tabs
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Family Tree - Discover the Fun and the Challenge
By Richard Kearns Have you ever tried to find an ancestor in your family tree? Maybe it was an ancestor like your great, great, grandfather on your father's side that moved to another country over a hundred years ago. Maybe it was a question posed by your daughter: "Where was Grandpa born?" "What country did Grandma Smith immigrate from?" Each of these questions may be very simple. Yet, when you start to search for your ancestors you never know what you will discover. Genealogy is the technical name for family tree research, but for many of us, family tree research is a great hobby that provides endless hours of fun and enjoyment that will last for generations. Families have been recording information about their roots for hundreds, if not thousands of years. With the evolution of the computer and access to the World Wide Web ordinary people have been able to search for their ancestors from the comfort of their home. They have had access to more information about their ancestors and their roots, and have been able to contact long-lost relatives that only a few decades ago would have taken a lifetime to uncover. The World Wide Web makes the search for family trees available to anyone with the computer and an interest to uncover their families' ancestry and heritage. You actually don't need your own computer since many libraries make them available to everyone. Many of the genealogy resources are available right off the Web. You don't even need to buy your own program to get started looking for your ancestors and record important facts about them for your children and even their children. Once you get started researching your family tree you will find that a computer and a good genealogy program will be invaluable to your research. The computer makes storing and searching for specific pieces of information easy and reliable. Most family tree programs provide easy data entry and eliminate many of the common spelling mistakes and date format errors automatically. These programs also help to eliminate duplicate records that seem to magically appear. A good program provides lots of tools that allow you to record important stories and events along with the standard birth date, place of birth, marriage date, date of death and place of death details. You will find that the stories and important events will bring your family tree to life for you and your family. Genealogy programs will also make printing and displaying your family tree easier to read for the entire family. You will have access to many different report formats and even be able to publish your family tree on the Internet so that family members around the world will be able to share in their heritage. So the next time your daughter asks the question: "Where was Grandpa born?", you will not only be able to tell her the country, you will be able to show her a chart that shows where Grandpa was born as well as important stories that she will cherish forever. Richard Kearns publishes an informative, easy to use website that helps people discover their family heritage and shows them how to document their family tree for future generations. Go to for more information. Article Source: buy ambien online 100 tabs
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Creative Visualizations for Love
By Samantha Stevens To manifest love through creative visualization, you first need to learn how to suspend or hold an image of the desired outcome in your mind in as much detail as possible. For instance, let's say that you need to resolve an argument with a dear friend. The first thing you need to do is empty your head as much as possible of all thoughts so that your mind seems like a blank slate. It is also essential that you get as still and as quiet as possible to encourage a meditative state. Some find playing a favorite piece of music encourages one's imaging faculties. Before imagining any goal, you might want to assist your imagination by asking yourself a number of questions. What does your friend look like? How is she wearing her hair the day that you run across each other? Is this a random meeting or does the phone ring first? What kind of conversation will you have on the phone? Where exactly will you meet? What is the expression on her face when she sees you? If you want her to smile when she sees you, picture her smiling. Picture her hugging you. Picture what you don't think is possible. Visualize, in the greatest detail possible, the best outcome to the situation possible. Experts say that the more detail that you can imagine, the more likely you are to manifest the event in the future. THE HOUSE OF THE HEART Picture the individual that you are concerned about in as full detail as possible. Now imagine that the person is shrinking smaller and smaller until he or she easily fits in the palm of your hand. Now imagine your heart as a tiny red house with a door. Open the door to one of the chambers and put the tiny person inside and close it. In your mind, reassure the person that they are "safe in your heart." LOVE MAGNET CREAM You are at the cosmetics counter of a fancy department store. A smiling woman dressed in pink and gold offers you a sample of a cream to try for free. The jar is gold. The label on the jar reads Love Magnet Cream. You take the cream home and open the jar. Inside is a glowing pink cream. You take this cream and apply it to your hands. As you do you feel a pleasant tingling sensation wash over you. As you apply more, it transforms your skin, making it radiate a transparent pink, silver and gold light. As you apply this cream to the rest of your body, you feel yourself growing younger, happier and more vibrant with health. You imagine yourself becoming more magnetic to love. You decide to get up and take a walk. Let your imagination take you to where you want to go. Where does your imagination lead you? Who do you meet on your path? Whoever manifests in your visualizations can give you clues to the direction your love life should take. FLOWER STAR GARDEN Imagine that you are strolling through a desert at night. You have been stranded in this desert for forty days. You feel dirty and thirsty, but there are no plants, no ponds and no water to be had at all. You look up in the sky and see thousands of fat, shining stars. You look up at one star and make a wish. Suddenly the star falls and plops into the sand below you. Even though you are very dehydrated, you find yourself shedding one tear. This tear lands on the site of the fallen star. To your amazement, a sprig of green shoots up through the desert floor. This soft tendril grows in accelerated motion. It unfurls leaves and a giant bud. It is up to you to picture what kind of flower it is, but it is not a flower that you have ever seen on earth. The flower is huge, the size of your head or even larger. The bud opens up to reveal its petals. Notice the flower's vibrant color. Inhale its heady and alluring fragrance. Does it smell like fruit, or roses or chocolate? Touch the petals. Do they feel like satin, feathers or velvet? When you touch the flower it begins to emit beautiful music. Try to imagine what this flower looks like in as much detail as you can... As the flower opens up you notice that it is cupping a small pond full of water. You scoop this refreshing liquid up into your hands and bathe your face, hands and body with it. You take a long, refreshing cool drink from between your cupped hands. After you have drunk from the center of the flower, you look up and notice that more stars are falling from the sky. They plant themselves in the ground and spring up tendrils and buds. At first there are just a few of these flowers, but soon, more fall. To your amazement no one flower seems to be the same as another. As each one blooms they spill water onto the barren ground forming ponds and pools with waterfalls. Many of these plants grow large and house birds and other animals. The heady aroma of the perfume of this enchanted forest fills your nostrils. You take deep exhalations and relax in this magical place filled with music, flowing water, nature and the velvety blackness of the night sky. Your relaxation is interrupted when you hear a noise. You sit up and see a person approaching you. What does this person look like? Have you met him or her before? This person reaches out to you and embraces you. The person that manifests in this visualization can provide you with important astral information about what it is you need to correct in your love life or whom you might meet in the future. Samantha Steven's articles have been published in many high-standing newspapers and she has published several books. If you wish to buy Samantha's books about metaphysics click here
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Monday, March 3, 2008
Funerals - Planning The Wake
By Michael Russell People do expect a wake for some reason, particularly if they've travelled some distance to be at a funeral. The wake needs to be appropriate to the deceased and also to those likely to attend the funeral. A few pounds behind the bar at your local pub might be fine if Great Uncle George was a regular there but might not go down so well if his one living sister is a tea-totaller. In an instance like this, you may have to have two wakes to satisfy everyone. If you have a large enough house and can face the preparations, you may want to invite everyone back to your place after the funeral. This can be problematical as you have no idea how many people will come, but if you are smart about the catering, all will be well. Standard funeral fare is sandwiches and savoury nibbles plus maybe some biscuits or cakes. You can make it as plain or exotic as you wish and can do a full buffet if you want to. Try to get some friends round to help you make sandwiches. Decide on a variety of fillings and set up a production line. This way will be quick and organised. Bear in mind that you may have vegetarians there so don't forget egg or cheese as well as ham and tuna. Savouries such as mini-quiches or pizzas and sausage rolls always go down well. Buy them ready made and frozen. That way, you can pop more in the oven as required and the rest won't go to waste if they're still frozen. To drink, some people will expect tea so get someone to man the teapot. Others will accept a small sherry and others still will use this gathering to pour as much beer or scotch down as they can get away with. Unlike a normal party, however, most people will only stay for a couple of drinks, so you don't have to buy up the whole off licence. On the other hand, if you can get a sale or return arrangement with your local shop, you can cover all eventualities and quantities. Make sure that you have plenty of cups, tea plates, paper napkins and glasses. If you don't want to cater at home, then a pub is an ideal venue. However, even if you're not asking for food, do forewarn the landlord. Rolling up with 20 or 30 people and expecting there to be sufficient bar staff on duty just isn't on. Actually, you may want to get the pub to provide some food. Again, sandwiches and savouries are a good idea, particularly to soak up alcohol. Ask the pub if they'll provide tea and coffee too as not everyone will want an alcoholic drink in the middle of the day. Follow these few simple rules and your loved one should have the send off that they envisaged. -------------------------------------------------------
Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Funerals
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Your Independent guide to Funerals
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Permanent Hair Removal Considerations
By Oliver Turner Permanent hair removal means stopping the growth of hair for longer period. There is no such technique or equipment to completely for unwanted hair removal forever. However new technologies are available for removing the hair very efficiently for a long period. The technologies available reduce unwanted hair growth for longer period but not permanently. It is frustrating for a person to remove unwanted hair especially in difficult parts of the body unless the right method is chosen for removal of unwanted hair. By modern methods people can choose to get rid of the unwanted hair almost permanently and with ease. Several technologies are available in the market by which long-term hair growth stoppage can be achieved. These methods include laser hair removal, electrolysis, intense pulsed lamps etc. 1) LASER HAIR REMOVAL: It is a new technology used to stop the growth of the unwanted hair. In this method the laser causes damage the root of hair without causing damage to rest of the skin. It is considered the one of most effective and safe methods of hair removal and suitable for large area. This technique enables the hair removal for light skin and dark hair only. Even if removed hair grows back it is usually thinner and lighter in color. 2) ELECTROLYSIS: This method reduces the hair growth for a long period if it is performed correctly and efficiently. In this method a thin metal probe is inserted into hair follicle (in a hair root) and electricity is passed through the probe. Due to this permanent damage is caused to the follicle or hair root, due to which hair stops to grow. Although the method is expensive and a little bit painful, it is still a safe method providing good long-term results. However, electrolysis may not be suitable for hair removal in large areas. 3) INTENSE PULSED LAMPS OR FLASH LAMP: Gives good and long term results in removal of hair. Here specific wavelengths of light are generated in a flash lamp's and the full spectrum is transferred to the dark root of the hair to damage it. It is similar to the laser technology. Find more about Laser Removal on More useful content on LeanderNet - Article Source: ambien chemical name
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Saturday, March 1, 2008
When Is Touching Flirting?
By Andrea Morris How To Know When Touching May Be Flirting The signals of flirting can be very subtle and confusing at times. How do you know when touching is flirting, or just a casual or accident brush with someone? The signs such as a light touch, leaning close to you, or an engaging smile can be difficult to understand at times. Some people touch just because they are naturally friendly, outgoing, touchy sort of people. That makes decoding these smoky signals trickier than ever. And when it comes to touching, flirting and just plain good buddy friendliness the line can seem pretty blurry. So here are a few guidelines to help you figure out if that special touch that makes you tingle all over is flirting, or just a friendly pat on the back. There are many people in the world that are prone to be outgoing, and touch is part of their normal interactions with others. It is often hard to know if touching is flirting unless you know the person well. Sometime guidelines can help you understand if that brush with someone is really flirting or just a meaningless moment in time. How Often and What Else If you often find yourself in close contact with another person and your bodies are all the time accidentally brushing against each other it is very likely this is no real accident. You can assume that any regular touching is likely flirting unless it is something the person does with everyone else. The other sign that that brush up against your arm was no casual mistake is to watch the rest of his behavior. Does he laugh at your jokes? Act more chatty, or quieter than usual around you? If your interest is a girl, watch her body language for things like leaning in to talk to you, facing her whole body towards you, and the classic head tilt and look away. Guys use a lot of playful touch in their flirting: tugging on your hair, poking and bumping. Thats right, think back to grade school. The same types of flirting are still going on! What else was going on? Do they show other signs of interest in you? Are they more talkative or animated in your presence than is normally the case? Do they laugh at your jokes, even the bad ones? Men often use a lot of playful touching such as bumping you or stroking your hair. Girls will often lean in close to you and tilt their heads or make shy looks. Not much has changed since we were kids, its the same old game just a little more subtle most of the time. Do They Look For Opportunities to Touch? When someone is really interested in another person they will often look for any excuse to talk with you and make physical contact in some way. If you touch someone and they respond in a similar manner it is almost certainly flirting. If they appear uncomfortable or withdraw from your touch then things are not looking so good. Pay Attention To The Signs Make it a habit to start watching the behavior of people you arent interested in. You will start to observe flirting behavior whether it is through touching, body language, nerves or actions. And once you can determine flirting behavior by watching other people interact, you will be much better able to know if it is the real thing when it happens to you. In addition to touching, see if they follow your lead. If you lean into talk does he/she lean towards you, or away? If you touch them on the arm, how does they respond? When most people really like someone, they will signal with body language, even if they are not yet comfortable with actually touching. Dont give up easily. Many people are not very good at flirting. The more attention they pay to you, the more likely it is that they are interested. There are many subtle signs of flirting and the passing casual touch is one of the most encouraging signs that something is really going on between you. Hopefully these tips will help you decide if touching is really flirting and give you the courage to respond in kind if you are interested in the person. Have fun! For more helpful information about flirting and dating please visit where you can find information about a variety of dating services and resources. Article Source: zoloft and lorazepam interaction
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