Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Colon Cleansing-A Step Toward Better Health

By Adriana Copaceanu Colon cleansing has become one of the more recent additions to the healthier lifestyle regime. While it sounds unpleasant, there are several benefits to the process. Among these benefits are preventing constipation, weight loss, increased energy, clearer skin, all leading to an overall healthier feeling. If you compare your body to your homes plumbing, it is easy to see how beneficial this can be. If your plumbing is clogged, water cant go down the drain. The same is true of our bodies. If our plumbing is clogged, the body cant properly do its job getting rid of waste. While most people may feel they are fine, their system is not as efficient as it could be. As we get older, we tend to eliminate waste less often than we did as children (think about how many times we have to change a young childs diapers). The more often we are eliminating waste, the less time it has to build up in our system and cause problems. The longer waste builds up, the more health problems it can cause, as waste attaches itself to the sides of the colon. The inside of the colon gets covered in sticky mucus, catching more waste and building up more toxic material. This build up can cause several health problems, including diarrhea, constipation, fatigue, headaches, dull eyes, poor skin, spots, aching muscles, joint pains, and depression. (Brody and Trickett , 2005) In order to return your system to a more efficient routine, a colon cleansing is key. There are different types of cleansing. A colon irrigation can be quicker, more efficient way to cleanse the colon, but many people would prefer a less invasive approach. There are some supplements that can assist in the process, as well as a change in diet. Some cleansing programs recommend a juice fast. While the cleansing is beneficial, some rapid systems can cause temporary discomforts during the process, including headaches, flu and possibly nervous symptoms, such as anxiety and irritability. These problems should be better after about five days, leading to better overall health. Most people prefer a more gradual approach. No matter which approach you take, it is best to consult your doctor first, especially if the colon cleanse includes a drastic change in diet. The doctor can recommend the best way for you to go about cleansing your colon that will be the most beneficial to you. References: Brody, Karen and Trickett, Shirley (2005). Colon Cleansing. Retrieved January 5, 2007, from Inner Health Web site: http://www.innerself.com/Health/colon_cleansing.htm Dr. Group III, Edward F. (2006). The Benefits of Colon Cleansing. Retrieved January 5, 2007, from Colon Cleanse and Constipation Resource Center Web site: http://www.colon-cleanse-constipation.com/benefits-of-colon-cleansing.html Simmonds, Malcolm (2001, October). Is Colon Cleansing Really Necessary?. Retrieved January 5, 2007, from Alternative Healthzine Web site: http://www.alternative-healthzine.com/html/0110_1.html If you are tired of feeling sick, bloated, and stressed, Almighty Cleanse colon cleansing system could be exactly what you need. To Buy Almighty Cleanse and for more information about how to maintain a healthy body, visit http://www.1healthybody.com/, where you'll find news and articles about healthy living. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Adriana_Copaceanu http://EzineArticles.com/?Colon-Cleansing-A-Step-Toward-Better-Health&id=438470 ativan used as anticonvulsant
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