Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Cellulite Machines

By Peter Emerson Cellulite affects as much as 98 percent of females and is more prevalent in Caucasians than in Asians. The dimpling of the skin caused by overhanging fat creates what we know as cellulite. Also, cellulite is rarely seen in men and may only be apparent when there is severe hormonal deficiency. It is a common misconception that cellulite is actually related to one's weight; it is not. It is a skin condition that affects those who are overweight, those with average weight and even those who are underweight. Although harmless, a lot of people abhor the way cellulite distorts the appearance of their bodies and are greatly concerned. The cosmetic industry and certified skin experts claim to have remedies to reduce cellulite and have introduced that claim can obliterate cellulite. There are light devices that when applied create a light energy that is said to melt cellulite. They mechanically massage the skin and increase circulation thereby draining lymph vessels that contain cellulite fluids. One the more popular light devices relies on laser light to melt cellulite. The laser light first cools the skin and then penetrates without burning or harming the uppermost layer. Using a combination of suction and drainage, fluids are removed by exerting pressure on the fat cells and loosening the dimpling effect of cellulite. Laser light treatments are available of from doctors and other beauty centers. Another machine that claims to melt cellulite uses radio frequency energy and infrared to heat then release cellulite cells. It works the same way as light devices, massaging the skin using suctions to release what causes the dimpling effect with high levels of energy. Treatments are performed by a physician. There are also deep mechanical massaging machines available that work the same way as the first two mentioned and claim to stimulate blood flow and lymphatic drainage eliminating fat from cells. Any cellulite treatment is costly and is usually not covered by insurance. The prices do not include visits to a skin-care consultant several times a month to make sure the celluite does not return. Choosing the best way to get rid of cellulite is a matter of personal preference. Cellulite provides detailed information on Cellulite, Cellulite Treatment, Cellulite Cream, Causes of Cellulite and more. Cellulite is affiliated with Hoodia Diet Pills. Article Source: ambien 7day free trial
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