By Arkady Itkin So, why is it that men hop from one woman to another so often, cheating over and over? Why do they disappear so often after having sex with a woman once or twice? Why do they make promises that they don't intend to uphold. There are two main reasons as to why a man would cheat on a woman or simply move on: 1. The more common reason is something you have no control over and cannot and should not take personally - a man's drive for variety and novelty when it comes to sexual partners. It's a dream for most men to indulge in adventure of seeing many women simulatenously and having a constant "flow" of new sexual partners. For some men it's just a stage in life where they need to "get it out of their system" before they decide that they want a monogamous, long term relationship more than their sexual escapades. For others, the desire of novelty and variety never goes away, and they "play" as long as they can. You cannot change that and so can't many of the men who have that lifestyle. 2. The second reason, although less common, is very important to understand. Many men are blinded by their sexual attraction towards a a certain woman, and they truly believe that they are in love. However, shortly after having sex with a particular woman a man often realizes that there is nothing else that he wants from that woman besides sex. But in order for a man to stick around, he must be interested in a woman as a person - he must find her interesting and engaging and he must crave her social company. This is exactly the point where you - a woman - have a lot of control over. If you develop yourself, if you make yourself a more interesting person by learning new things and engaging in new activities, if you possess a great sense of humor, and a laid back attitude, if you are sarcastic and enjoy teasing and banter, if you are more feminine and elegant than the average woman, you are much more likely to find a man who will appreciate those qualities, realizing that they are not that common, and who will want to have a more meaningful relationship with you. Arkady Itkin
The most effective dating & relationships advice on the net. Akady Itkin
J.D., McGeorge Law School, Sacramento, California. (2007)
M.A. in Philosophy, San Fransisco State University, San Francisco California
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