By Anthony Bradley Over the past 20 years the face of dating has gone through some incredible changes.So, how do you go about looking for love? Before you start, you have to know exactly what you are looking for whether it is friendship or a permanent relationship. If you are bored of normal dating and you have heard of this thing called online dating and you are tempted to try it out, then why not? You can choose an online dating site that meets your needs, find people who have the features you desire along with the things you have in common and get in touch with them immediately. Online dating is fast becoming a normal way of meeting new people. Anonymity is important to most people these days when considering online dating. You won't be required to reveal your address, e-mail or telephone number to any other member of the online dating service unless you want to. Most of the online dating services do charge a fee for their services. Whether we like it or not, the internet has affected our lives including the way we meet and date people. There are many advantages to joining a dating site to find a partner. If you are thinking about joining a dating site, take the time to say something about yourself, your lifestyle, what your interests are and the type of person you would like to meet. Show your potential dates the real you. With online dating, you are covered by the anonymity of the internet and you can erase your mistakes far more easily than you could if you had messed up in real life. Many dating sites screen their members personally. Some people look for a dating site that is allows them to find the specific type of relationship they are looking for. You can usually search through an online dating sites galleries so that you can see some of the pictures and biographies of people that fit into your search categories. With so many people online now, there has been a rapid increase in the number of online dating services. Some online dating sites will give you free private email accounts and access to thousands of profiles for free. What Internet dating does better than any other method is that it gives you exposure to an extremely large group of other singles. Pen pal romance or online dating doesn't change how men and women love, it changes the method by which they fall in love. Take full advantage of the tools provided on the dating site because they are there to help you enhance the experience. At the end of the day, it really depends on what you are looking for that matters. In this regard, even though the bigger personals sites will have more features, like webcam chat etc., they are not so focused and are really only aimed at dating personals in general. With a responsible attitude and an open mind, online dating can be a great confidence builder, and also great fun. Online dating services can give you important information about a persons likes and dislikes and whether you might hit it off or definitely not, but when engaging in online dating, it is very important to exercise caution. The online dating world today can seem strange and confusing at first. If you have recently become single what better way to meet someone new than to go online and meet more singles. The internet has radically altered the way we work, shop, conduct our financial affairs, and entertain ourselves. To use it as a stepping-stone for meeting potential partners is a logical step in our ever changing world. Anthony Bradley is a writer for Love Guides which has lots more articles about dating which you can find in the articles index Feel free to use this article on your website, in your newsletter, in your e-book or elsewhere provided that the article is unchanged, including the author information and all website links. Article Source: phentermine mexico pharmacy
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Friday, October 26, 2007
Shades of Grey
By Nan S. Russell A paperweight sits on my desk, etched in silver the message: Life isn't always black and white. It serves as a reminder there are few absolutes at work (or in life). Yet, it would be easier if there were; if good ideas from bad, trustworthy people from non-trustworthy, and right paths from the wrong ones could easily be discerned. I've learned in twenty years in management that increasing one's perspective increases the grey, as words like always and never become obsolete for describing most situations and most people.
But early in my career, I was convinced there were right ways and wrong ways to do things at work. Of course, my way being right and someone else's wrong. Dug-in positions that at the time seemed immensely important strike me now as limited in knowledge, understanding or perspective.
Now, I'm as convinced there are often many ways to accomplish the same goal and many right answers to the same problem. Certainly some approaches may be better than others, but whose interpretation defines better? It is a subjective workplace and a matter of judgment if an idea is a good one, a performance rating accurate, or a decision correct. Sometimes that interpretation is based on quarterly profits, employee morale, company goals, personal filters, necessity, or a passionate champion embracing a challenge.
But here's the thing. That subjective element often frustrates us. We think there should be a play book we understand or a standard method to judge an outcome so we can agree whether it's good or bad. Yet we have differing vantage points, information and criteria depending on our roles. There may be big picture, long-term, short-term, temporary, personal, best, best of the worst, and a long list of considerations.
I learned this concept as I debated my boss over a decision he was about to implement. As a Human Resources Director, I was concerned the decision would impact morale. HR was the filter by which I judged the world at the time. He gently closed the discussion agreeing with my view point, "Yes, it's true employees will be unhappy. But they'll be unhappier if there are layoffs next year. My job is to make sure everyone has a job."
Absolute thinking limits perspective, causes mistakes in judgment, misunderstandings, disappoints, conflicts, and frustration in the workplace. Most work issues are not black or white, right or wrong, win or lose. They are varying shades of grey. If you want to be winning at working, you need to adjust your eyes to see more grey and adjust your beliefs to understand, for the most part, people are doing what they believe to be right, for reasons they believe are right. If we could stand behind them and see what they see, we might even come to the same conclusion.
(c) 2004 Nan S. Russell. All rights reserved.
Sign up to receive Nan's free biweekly eColumn at Russell has spent over twenty years in management, most recently with QVC as a Vice President. She has held leadership positions in Human Resource Development, Communication, Marketing and line Management. Nan has a B.A. from Stanford University and M.A. from the University of Michigan. Currently working on her first book, Winning at Working: 10 Lessons Shared, Nan is a writer, columnist, small business owner, and on-line instructor. Contact Nan at Article Source: where can i buy generic xanax
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But early in my career, I was convinced there were right ways and wrong ways to do things at work. Of course, my way being right and someone else's wrong. Dug-in positions that at the time seemed immensely important strike me now as limited in knowledge, understanding or perspective.
Now, I'm as convinced there are often many ways to accomplish the same goal and many right answers to the same problem. Certainly some approaches may be better than others, but whose interpretation defines better? It is a subjective workplace and a matter of judgment if an idea is a good one, a performance rating accurate, or a decision correct. Sometimes that interpretation is based on quarterly profits, employee morale, company goals, personal filters, necessity, or a passionate champion embracing a challenge.
But here's the thing. That subjective element often frustrates us. We think there should be a play book we understand or a standard method to judge an outcome so we can agree whether it's good or bad. Yet we have differing vantage points, information and criteria depending on our roles. There may be big picture, long-term, short-term, temporary, personal, best, best of the worst, and a long list of considerations.
I learned this concept as I debated my boss over a decision he was about to implement. As a Human Resources Director, I was concerned the decision would impact morale. HR was the filter by which I judged the world at the time. He gently closed the discussion agreeing with my view point, "Yes, it's true employees will be unhappy. But they'll be unhappier if there are layoffs next year. My job is to make sure everyone has a job."
Absolute thinking limits perspective, causes mistakes in judgment, misunderstandings, disappoints, conflicts, and frustration in the workplace. Most work issues are not black or white, right or wrong, win or lose. They are varying shades of grey. If you want to be winning at working, you need to adjust your eyes to see more grey and adjust your beliefs to understand, for the most part, people are doing what they believe to be right, for reasons they believe are right. If we could stand behind them and see what they see, we might even come to the same conclusion.
(c) 2004 Nan S. Russell. All rights reserved.
Sign up to receive Nan's free biweekly eColumn at Russell has spent over twenty years in management, most recently with QVC as a Vice President. She has held leadership positions in Human Resource Development, Communication, Marketing and line Management. Nan has a B.A. from Stanford University and M.A. from the University of Michigan. Currently working on her first book, Winning at Working: 10 Lessons Shared, Nan is a writer, columnist, small business owner, and on-line instructor. Contact Nan at Article Source: where can i buy generic xanax
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Saturday, October 20, 2007
Auto-Disqualification - When Your Resume Never Reaches the Decision Maker
By Steven Bristow How would you know if your resume did or didnt reach the appropriate decision maker? You can truly never know for certain. However, there are steps you can take to ensure that your resume does not get "auto-disqualified", or provide obvious reasons not to be hired. There are several mistakes commonly made in resumes that give immediate reasons why you will not be offered the opportunity to go to the next step in the hiring process. The usual first step in obtaining a position is the submission of your resume. Typically that is to the staff in a Human Resources department. Often, HR is given a specific group of parameters the hiring manager is seeking in a particular applicant. If a resume does not reflect those parameters it is often filed away and never given to the decision maker. Age is often a factor in this process. Age discrimination happens. It happens to applicants that are too old for a position or too young. Companies are not allowed to ask an applicants age, but often times they dont have to. Many people reflect this information voluntarily in their resume. By giving a high school graduation year, college graduation year, or even the dates you attended schools gives the reader ample information to decide if you are too young or too old for the position. Age is never a reason you will be hired, but it certainly could be a reason you are not hired. Why give them this information? Many applicants are concerned that they have worked for only one company or in only one industry and that their skills are not transferable to other industries. This is when your marketing skills are truly tested. Marketing yourself is very similar to marketing a product. Find out what is going to make you attractive to the employer as a potential employee and showcase those skills in your resume. So, how can you avoid "Auto-Disqualifying"? Example: If you are applying for a management position but have never held a managers title, showcase the fact that you have managed others or supervised projects so the person reading your resume understands that you have the necessary skills even though you have not held the title. If your resume is not reflecting your skills, then it is probably being disqualified before it reaches a true decision maker. This is commonly known in the employment industry as auto-disqualifying. Education, or lack of, is a tougher hurdle to overcome. Many positions have an educational requirement that some people have not achieved. This again brings us to marketing yourself. Showcase, through your resume, that you have the skills and knowledge to succeed at the position they are trying to fill. There are very few perfect applicants for any particular position, as a result decision makers typically must choose whom they feel is right for the job based on skills, experience and youre your ability to fit into their team. Do you know if your resume is reaching decision makers? Market your skills in your resume to ensure that your resume is actually reaching the true decision maker. Do this and increase your chances of landing that interview! Steven Bristow is a senior consultant for R.L. Stevens & Associates Inc. (, a career marketing firm and organization celebrating over 24 years of providing strategic marketing solutions for its clients career transitioning needs. Article Source: online consultation for phentermine
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Friday, October 19, 2007
Cell Phone Best Plan: How to Choose Between Many Cellular Phone Plans
By []Alex Fir Finding a cell phone best plan require intelligence to avoid unnecessary expense. Because of the very large number of network services, it is wise to research and assess their offers before deciding on a cell phone best plan. First, decide whether you want a prepaid cell phone service or a traditional cell phone plan. If you decide on a prepaid cell phone service, you just need to pay outright and you have your phone. Some cell phone companies even offer free cell phone when you buy a prepaid cell phone service from them. However, when you want a cell phone best plan, choose from a by minute charging or by the second charging. Both charging process have positive and negative points. You must assess your usage frequency and requirements before you decide on a cell phone best plan. Find out if they have enough towers to reach you wherever you are. There are different cell phone plans for family and national use. There are also cell phone plans for regional use. Other cell phone plans like family plans, this is advantageous for family use and small businesses. There is free access for emergencies. In addition, for family plans, it is cheaper to call the other cell phones included in one billing. There are also discounts for the airtime usage of family members using this cell phone plan. National cell phone plan includes free long-distance charges and there are no roaming charges. For regional use, this cell phone plan may require you to pay long-distance charges but the airtime rates may be cheaper. Prepaid cell phone plans are often preferred; however, for travelers the traditional plan with no roaming charges and no long-distance charges is cell phone best plan. Some companies will require you to sign a one year or two year contract. You should learn how many times they will allow you to change plans within the time of your contract, without charging you a fee for doing so. Alex Fir shares a wealth of information on his website [] If you want to learn more about []cell phone plans visit Wireless Cell Phone Center today. Article Source: xanax no prescription required
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Friday, October 12, 2007
Why Do Men Cheat?
By Arkady Itkin So, why is it that men hop from one woman to another so often, cheating over and over? Why do they disappear so often after having sex with a woman once or twice? Why do they make promises that they don't intend to uphold. There are two main reasons as to why a man would cheat on a woman or simply move on: 1. The more common reason is something you have no control over and cannot and should not take personally - a man's drive for variety and novelty when it comes to sexual partners. It's a dream for most men to indulge in adventure of seeing many women simulatenously and having a constant "flow" of new sexual partners. For some men it's just a stage in life where they need to "get it out of their system" before they decide that they want a monogamous, long term relationship more than their sexual escapades. For others, the desire of novelty and variety never goes away, and they "play" as long as they can. You cannot change that and so can't many of the men who have that lifestyle. 2. The second reason, although less common, is very important to understand. Many men are blinded by their sexual attraction towards a a certain woman, and they truly believe that they are in love. However, shortly after having sex with a particular woman a man often realizes that there is nothing else that he wants from that woman besides sex. But in order for a man to stick around, he must be interested in a woman as a person - he must find her interesting and engaging and he must crave her social company. This is exactly the point where you - a woman - have a lot of control over. If you develop yourself, if you make yourself a more interesting person by learning new things and engaging in new activities, if you possess a great sense of humor, and a laid back attitude, if you are sarcastic and enjoy teasing and banter, if you are more feminine and elegant than the average woman, you are much more likely to find a man who will appreciate those qualities, realizing that they are not that common, and who will want to have a more meaningful relationship with you. Arkady Itkin
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Thursday, October 11, 2007
LG U400 - 3G fete Has A DJ Now
By []Caitlin Lucy Music phones have a new competitor that not only plays music, but also has DJ-ing abilities. To make up for being late starters in the music phone boom, the Korean giant LG have launched the LG U400 with an aim of getting an much sought edge in competition. The LG U400 is a sleek slider with 3G capabilities. The handset is available in shinny black with dark blue and chrome accents. The phone's increasing popularity have resulted in its silver variant. Innovative and bold designing like the off-center jog wheel that could be used like an iPod or even creating sound effects makes the LG U400 distinctively stylish. Well laid out conventional keypad means minimum wrong presses. The 2 inch TFT display can produce more than 256k accurate and vibrant colours and produces sharp images in 240 x 320 pixels resolution. Other than displaying information, it acts as a video screen in video calls or when you stream in RSS feed and also doubles up as a full viewfinder on camera mode. The new media player of the LG U400 can play a wide range of audio and video formats including Mp3, AAC, WMA and MPEG4. Other than integrated speakers and standard headphones supplied with the LG U400, it also supports A2DP Blue tooth profile for wireless headset. The primary integrated camera of the LG U400 is 2.0 mega pixel module. You can select the best of the lot with the camera's multi-shot feature. Recording special occasions or unexpected beautiful moments is possible without your camcorder if you have the LG U400 with you. The mobile phone is endowed with a secondary VGA camera located at the top of its screen to make and receive video calls. Data connectivity capabilities of the LG U400 includes 3G, EDGE as well as GPRS. The []LG U400 is a distinct contender in its category by virtue of its unusual capabilities. Caitlin Lucy is a Expert Author. She has written good quality articles on []Mobile phones and []Sim Free Phones Article Source: purchasing tramadol online
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Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Nokia 7373 � Style Up
By []Keith Rickwood There are mobile phones and then there are designer mobile phones. There are only a handful of handsets available who lives up to that respect. Nokia's L'Amour Collection have created quite a stir, not only in the mobile market, but also in the fashion world with its exotic designs. Very modern in design, styled with sleek and sensible graphics each member of the L'Amour collection is a fashion statement in its own. Nokia 7373 is one of the most popular phones in the L'Amour family. The Nokia 7373 is a smooth swivel designer handset with an ethnic feel to it. The body has embossed finishing with tastefully done elaborate graphics. The phone is available in different shades, each looking unique in its own way. The large 2 inch QVGA screen compliments the whole design aesthetics well. Swivel open the phone and you'll find the phone fits perfectly to the hand and the keypad is very comfortable to use. Unlike many 'fashionable' phones, the Nokia 7373 is not all about high quality design, but also about high quality features. The integrated music player supports eAAC, SpMidi, AAC, AAC+ and enhanced AAC+ formats. It also supports play-list and a enhanced equalizer. Integrated Visual FM radio and a MPEG4 player also feature in the handset. With an expandable memory of up to 2 GB, there is nothing to be left behind ever again. But the best part is the built in stereo speakers with stereo widening technology that gives you surprisingly powerful yet clear sound. The phone have a 2.0 megapixel camera with 8x digital zoom. Now you can shoot, send, share and show your pictures with the Nokia 7373. The camera also supports video recording and 3GPP streaming. Tri-band network support, Bluetooth and USB connectivity, faster Internet through GPRS/EDGE and HSCSD the Nokia 7373 have it all. Enjoy all that a modern mobile phone has to offer, and look good while doing it with Nokia 7373. [ ]Nokia 7373 [ ]Nokia 7373 Mobile Phone Article Source: buy cheap propecia buy fast propecia order finasteride online without prescription finasteride prescription online
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